Leaving The Way: Book Two (The Way Trilogy) Read online

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  “What the hell?” She barks in a rusty voice, so unlike my bestie.

  Her comment causes a brief flash back to nearly two months ago when Ash had said this same thing because I’d bailed on her, leaving her with Dragon Breath. It seems crazy that was only weeks ago, and I’d give anything for us to be able to go back in time; for none of these horrible things to have happened.

  “You are the worst BFF on the face of the planet.” Each word that escapes her mouth is a struggle, almost like she’s not able to get enough air.

  If I was to guess, she most likely has some broken ribs, or maybe a combination of that and a hoarse voice from screaming through the torture.

  A tear tracks down my cheek as I hang my head in shame. “I know. I’m so sorry, Ash. I’m so sorry I left you.”

  “OMGeee! You are such a drama queen. Suck it up, buttercup. I’m not pissed about that. I’m pissed that you’re out here being a little bitch instead of coming to check on your best friend.”

  I think her face is fixed in a scowl, but it’s hard to tell with all the swelling. She has a gash that runs along her hairline, across the length of her forehead, along with several small cuts below it in varying degrees of healing. Both eyes are black and purple, and her right one is nearly swollen shut. Her bottom lip is swollen and split open in several places, and glancing down I see her left ankle is wrapped tightly in some sort of brown material secured with a metal clasp. Making my way back up, I look to both hands fixed to her hips, and every knuckle is split open, no doubt from fighting back. My bestie did not go down without a fight.

  “I’m not a drama queen. I’m passionate.”

  Both of us let out a sob at the same time, throwing our arms around each other. I bury my head in her hair, and both our knees give out as we collapse in a heap.

  “I missed you,” she sobs.

  I’m trying not to squeeze her too tight, but having her back, well, I just don’t ever want to let her go. This girl is my person. Not Luke. Not my parents. This tiny little thing who lived through something unimaginable, and all she cares about is that I didn’t come straight to see her.

  “I wanna have a double wedding. You know once they both ask us.”

  I can’t help the snort, followed by a barking laugh that escapes my mouth at her declaration.

  Totally random, and her name is Ash.



  Ash and I had spent last night cuddled together in the General’s room while she told me everything that had happened to her. I’ll have nightmares for years myself, so I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like for her. She’d said he stopped just short of raping her, but nothing else was off the table. She’d even told me about how Tara had watched, and we’d agreed if we ever saw her again, she was more than dead. She was toast.

  We’d cried most of the night, but we’d also laughed. A lot. I don’t think I have ever been so happy and so sad at the same time. Chase had come in late and brought both of us some peach cobbler, and then Luke had shown up a while later with bacon. That’s right, her boyfriend only brings her cobbler, mine brings bacon. Ask me which one is better.

  This morning when we woke up, Cody had brought us breakfast in bed, and after we were done, I’d left her with Chase to rest so I could go see my parents. They both looked much better after getting cleaned up, having a few meals, and a good night’s rest. We had talked for about an hour about everything that’s happened, and then I left and headed back to The Castle.

  The General had stopped me on the way back to ask me how I was, and after I confirmed I was fine, he snapped to attention and barked out that I had better be at training bright and early tomorrow morning. Glad to see he’s back to normal.

  Since Ash and I had slept in and had a late breakfast, it was already lunch time, and when I walked in the back door, I could already here multiple footsteps filing down the stairs headed to the dining room. People in this place would disappear for hours on end, but the minute the smell of food started to waft through the house, it was like a freaking dinner bell, followed by a herd of elephants.

  I’m not that hungry, but I also don’t really want to be alone right now, so I decide to at least join them, even if I don’t eat. As I turn the corner, arms sneak around my waist, and I look to Luke as he draws me in close for a kiss.

  “Well, aren’t you in a good mood,” I laugh, pulling away before taking his offered elbow and letting him lead me to my seat.

  “I’ve been pouting and I’ve been a dick, and I’m sorry. I’m just really happy you are okay, and Ash is back with us.” His words are sweet, and a little surprising as everyone witnesses his apology.

  As he pulls out my chair and motions for me to sit, his face says he doesn’t care who heard. I like that. That when he is wrong, he isn’t too prideful to admit it, even in a room full of people.

  Waiting for lunch to be served, I scan the faces in the room. Mateo sits at the head of the table with Brea on his right. At the opposite end is Daniel, and similarly his wife Camila, sits on his right. I’m next to Brea, with Luke on my right, and there are two empty seats on his other side. Across the table from me is Cody, and then Easton and Tommy on his right and left. Lastly, the General sits on Mateo’s left, eyeing his surroundings like the paranoid psycho he is.

  Three men and one woman enter the room carrying trays of food, while another woman pushes a cart in behind them. The cart is filled to the brim with every drink imaginable. Several bottles of wine sit aerating on the top, and just below I see a bottle filled with yellow liquid.

  Freaking tequila. Never again.

  While everyone in this house drinks a lot, it isn’t usually until dinner time, so I’m not certain what we are celebrating for so early in the day. That is until Mateo begins clinking his spoon on the wine glass next to his plate.

  Every head in the room turns to give him their attention, and then he speaks. “Once everyone is served, I have some announcements to make, so I’m glad almost everyone is here.”

  He gives the room a friendly smile, and then waits for everyone to be served food and drink. I don’t think I could possibly get away with day drinking, so I decline and instead receive lemonade. Looking around it seems I’m the only one though, but I will not give in to peer pressure.

  Once the servers leave the room, Mateo stands and raises his glass, and everyone else follows suit with me being last. “I would like to say…”

  He stops mid-sentence as there’s a commotion at the back of the room. Every head swivels, including my own as I see Chase slowly helping Ash through the doorway. She looks much better today, although that’s not saying much, her face is still horribly bruised and swollen. I prayed all night last night that this won’t leave her disfigured.

  Her head is cast down as she focuses on her steps, and when she realizes the room has gone silent, she jerks her head to face us. “Oh, I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to interrupt.” She struggles to get the words out as she tries to get turned back around.

  “No, no. Ash, there’s nothing to be sorry for. We saved you each a seat. Please, join us.” Mateo motions to the two empty seats on Luke’s right, and then urges Brea to get them something to drink.

  When she returns with the cart of drinks, Ash chooses tequila and orange juice and I giggle. She’ll learn. Oh, she’ll learn.

  Once they have both been served, Ash takes her first sip and sighs muttering, “Where have you been all my life?” And that gets a laugh out of everyone in the room.

  She sets her glass down and looks to Mateo who still stands with his chair pushed back, and asks if it’s okay for her to say something. Seeing his nod of support, she doesn’t bother standing, but does clear her throat twice before speaking.

  “I just wanted to say thank you. I know most of you don’t know me, but I can’t say how much I appreciate what you did for me; the fact that you came and fought for me.” Finishing her scan of each face, she turns her gaze to Mateo. “I know some of your men were injure
d, and for that I’m truly sorry.” Mateo attempts to interrupt her, possibly to brush off her guilt, but she just plows on. “I’m very grateful to you Mateo, and your family. Without you I’m not sure I would have lived much longer. So, thank you, and thank you for allowing me to stay here while I heal.”

  She relaxes back in her chair as I wipe a stray tear from my cheek.

  “I’m so glad we were able to get to you in time, little one. You are family now. You will always be welcome here.” When he finishes, he raises his glass and everyone follows as he says, “To family!”

  There’s a chorus of, “To family”, around the room, and then Mateo clears his throat before getting back to business.

  “I’m glad we are all here, safe and sound. Getting Ash back was certainly our priority, even if it did not go as planned. But now, we must focus on taking down the church that would do such things to an innocent girl.”

  Cody interrupts Mateo’s rallying speech, “You clearly don’t know her.”

  And then Chase says, “Yeah, she’s a lot of things but innocent isn’t one of them.”

  Everyone laughs at that, even me, although I do feel the need to defend my bestie. “Hey, hey! Layoff my bestie, at least until she heals.”

  Ash leans up, and points in my direction before adding, “What she said” which earns another round of laughs.

  When the excitement settles down, and with a final laugh, Mateo picks up where he left off. “I have received word that Lord Paul of the Titans and Dakota of the Osage will be here tomorrow.”

  The room fills with murmurs and hushed whispers. It seems this is the first everyone is hearing of this, except for Daniel who only nods with his forearms rested on the table, hands gripped tightly together. I look to Luke, and he seems to be taking the news well, despite him only finding out now.

  When the room quiets, Mateo continues. “I have yet to hear from Josh of the Republic, but that doesn’t mean much. If memory serves me, he likes to make an entrance.” He looks to Daniel and they both share a quick laugh. “They will have traveled a long way to get here, and will no doubt need to rest before we meet. Because of that we will delay the official meeting until three days from today. We’ll begin at ten a.m. on Saturday, unless of course either of them object.”

  With that the room erupts into multiple side conversations. Easton and Tommy are huddled together discussing security while Luke listens in. Daniel leans in and whispers something softly to Camila before kissing her on the cheek. Just as I’m about to ask the only thing I can think of, Mateo interrupts everyone and answers it.

  “Daniel of course, will serve as my second.” He and his brother exchange a knowing nod, and then he turns to Luke. This is the one thing I knew was coming, and it terrifies me. “And Luke, you’ll be my third.”

  My head jerks to Luke as he gives Mateo a solemn but respectful nod.

  Everything fades away. I don’t even hear him announce the General as his fourth, although I somehow know he does. Thank goodness we haven’t eaten yet because I know it would all be coming right back up if we had.

  Without a word, I scoot my chair away from the table and stand to leave. I vaguely hear someone say my name, but I don’t turn around. As soon as I turn the corner, out of sight from everyone in the room, I run.

  chapter 12 - Big Foot Is Real


  I finally made it back to the compound in the middle of the night last night. When my horse stopped in front of the big metal gates, I hadn’t had the strength to hold myself up another minute and had slid from the saddle, hitting the ground hard. My men working the gate had rushed me to the infirmary where I had been told I had a broken collar bone and some bruised ribs.

  Anna Cress’s bodyguard had been a brute of a man, and he’d come after me directly, otherwise I never would have gone near him, letting my men handle it instead. He’d gotten in several good hits before a couple of my men had dragged him off of me. When I’d seen Anna reappear with members of Diablo in tow, I’d tried to grab Ash Booker and make a run for it. No such luck.

  I ended up having to leave her behind just so I could get away and live to fight another day. I’d made it back to camp, pulled myself into the saddle, and set off for home. It’s a good thing horses have a good sense of direction, considering I was out of it most of the ride. Pretty sure I had a concussion too.

  The worst part, with me being so out of it when I arrived back at the gates and with my men taking me straight to the infirmary, there was no way for me to keep this a secret. I hadn’t told anyone I was taking a large chunk of my security force, along with Ash Booker, to find Anna Cress. I had assumed all would be forgiven when I returned with the little she-devil. Now that option was off the table, and despite my injuries, I was expected to report to the Vater in one hour.

  Now, I move slowly through my bedroom with the intention of a shower, but I’m stopped short by a knock on the front door. Do you know how long it took me to get in here? Fuck whoever’s out there. If it’s important they’ll come back.

  At the second knock, I finally make it to my bathroom door and I’m not turning back. Once my feet hit the tile, I turn to close the door, the shower calling my name, when I hear a voice. That sounded like it was from inside my living area.

  Damn it all to hell.

  Reopening the door, I strain to listen. Maybe I’m hallucinating, but no, there it is again, a female voice.

  “Yeah?” I holler, as loud as my bruised ribs will allow.

  I hear the bedroom door creak open, and I rush to the sink cabinet and grab the knife I store there, just in case.


  Thank God. “Tara, I’m in the bathroom. Is everything okay?”

  I had assumed she would answer from the doorway and then leave, but instead I hear footsteps followed by the bathroom door slipping fully open.

  “Oh God, David!” She rushes to me, moving to wrap her arms around me, but stopping short when she sees me wince in anticipation. “What did they do to you?”

  Placing my arm around her shoulder, I carefully pull her to me, placing a kiss on top of her head before speaking. “I’m okay. It’s nothing. I’ll be back to good in no time.” I try to chuckle to lighten the mood, but it just hurts too bad.

  “Let me help you, please,” she says, looking up at me with those big doe eyes, and there’s no way I could deny her.

  Seeing my acceptance, she steps back and begins slowly unbuttoning my shirt. That was the easy part because once she’s done, trying to slide it off is excruciating. An involuntary growl escapes my throat and she pauses, looking to me for permission to continue. Once the hard part is done she reaches to undo the button of my pants, and I quickly grab her wrist. Looking up, she seems to search my face for answers, but I really don’t have any, I just know I want this girl but not right now, not like this.

  “I need your help right now. But that’s all. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but it can’t be more.” Reaching down, I run my finger down her cheek, along her jaw, and down to her collarbone as she shivers.

  Her only response is, “I know,” and then she finishes undressing me before helping me into the shower.

  Tara stays in her dress, but enters the shower with me, washing my body meticulously as if she was a nurse rather than my future wife. I appreciate her so much for that. When the hot water runs out, she dries me off, and then helps me to sit on the foot of the bed. She makes her way around my room, opening each drawer until she finds everything she’s looking for. After she’s helped me fully dress, she takes a seat on the bed next to me, and I take her hand, pulling it up to hold it to my lips.

  “We’re going to ruin her, right? I want her and everyone she loves to suffer.”

  Her eyes connect with mine and I nod, because yes, we will ruin Anna Cress.



  Tara hadn’t left like I thought she would, instead she stayed until it was time for me to go, and then she walked along side me, offerin
g me balance when I needed it. Before we turned the last corner leading to Vater Henry’s office, we’d said goodbye and she’d quickly walked away.

  Now I sit in the Vater’s office after having explained everything that happened, waiting on him to speak. He’s been sitting stock still for at least the last five minutes. Not a single word, not a sound, not a twitch, or even a breath, nothing. It’s starting to get unnerving.

  And then finally, he speaks. “I think you well know this isn’t acceptable, Elder.” He takes a breath as I enjoy hearing my new title for the first time. “You do not leave this compound taking three fourths of our security force with you. What if we had been attacked again?”

  I take it as a question for me to answer, but apparently it was rhetorical as he speaks over my response. “There will of course be a write up in your file, Elder. But there’s not much to be done about it now. With that said, what do you plan to do about this girl?”

  I nod my head feeling rightfully put in my place given the bruised ribs making it difficult to breath. “I have good reason to believe she will rally the Diablo gang to attack the compound, and given that the Titans have already attacked, it’s possible they could join forces. We could not win if that were the case, not without making some changes.”

  He waves his hand and asks what I had hoped he would. “What do you need, Elder?”

  I explain that we need to take our security team from roughly seventy-five men, given the ones we just lost in Greenville, to no less than two-hundred and fifty. And that I need those men to be at my disposal twenty-four seven, to allow me to get them trained as quickly as possible. The gangs could attack at any time, and we have to be ready. I tell him I need a month to get everything ready, and if they haven’t shown their faces here by then, my men and I will march to Greenville and destroy every last one of them. Then I promise I will bring Anna Cress back here for a trial. That last part’s a lie. I’m going to torture that little bitch before I kill her slowly, but he doesn’t need to know that.