Leaving The Way: Book Two (The Way Trilogy) Page 13
I’m feel so happy. Despite everything I know is coming, this moment right here is the happiest I have ever been.
This is it. D-Day. Ground zero. The Zombie Apocalypse. Or the day we meet with Vater Henry, but whatever. I woke up feeling very dramatic today. Luke had called me a drama queen before seven a.m., the General had already told me to settle down twice, and I had even told myself to shut up at breakfast, which got a laugh out of Brea because apparently I had said it out loud. I gotta work on that. At least I haven’t accidently told Luke I want to lick him in a while, so that’s a plus.
After my dramatics and a kiss from Luke, we had all made our way downstairs to where Emily had pushed all the tables together for the meeting. Mateo sat in the center seat on one side, with Luke on his right and Daniel on his left. I was on Luke’s other side, and the General sat next to Daniel, with Lord Paul next to me. We also had Easton and Tommy flanking our backs. The seats across from us were still empty, but they still had five minutes, so it wasn’t over yet.
I’m surprised they aren’t here yet. The church prides themselves on timeliness, and I’m shocked David hadn’t shown up at least the day before to do reconnaissance. Luke had mentioned there were a few men in town yesterday morning they didn’t recognize, but before lunch they were gone. They were wearing jeans and other street clothes, but I guess it’s possible they were undercover.
I wanna go undercover.
One of Mateo’s men I recognize from back at HQ, enters through the front door pulling me from my thoughts. He crosses the room to Mateo, and then leans down to whisper in his ear. Only apparently he isn’t very good at whispering.
They’re here.
I hear footsteps on the wooden walk out front, followed by the door opening again, and in walks David. Of course he would walk in first. Narcissist.
His eyes search the room before landing on me, and I smile. That’s right. I smile at him first. After I’d had my dramatic meltdown this morning, I had given myself a mental pep talk. I was not going to let this ass banana think he scared me in the least. I planned to put on a face of total ease, and make sure he saw it too.
The look on his face says he’s a little put out. Oh, what? Does it bother you that you can’t get under my skin, that you don’t make me nervous? You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Once David makes it a few feet past the doorway, Vater Henry enters next, followed by Elder Thompson, and then a few men I don’t know. No wait, I do know that one. Brian. He works in the security department, but other than him I don’t know anyone else.
Everyone on my side of the table remains seated, but I stand, needing to be the first one to speak. “Hello, David, Vater Henry, Elder Thompson. I’m so glad you could make it.”
Oh, that was good.
A look of surprise passes over each of their faces, but only the Vater speaks, “Anna my child, it’s a pleasure to see you again. I’m so glad to see you’re okay.”
I just bet you are, ass.
No, stop that. You might accidently say something out loud again, and the Vater is our only chance at a peaceful resolution.
Our group watches as the Vater and Elder Thompson take seats directly across from us, with David and Brian mirroring Easton and Tommy’s flanking positions, and the other men take up various spots around the room, much like our own men.
After a brief round of introductions, Mateo opens his mouth to speak, but just as he does the front door opens once again, and in walks Elder Berry. Every head in the room turns to look at him as he apologizes for his tardiness.
“Elder Berry, what are you doing here?” The Vater’s voice is harsh, and its apparent the elder wasn’t invited.
I hear Easton behind me snort, as he whispers, “Elderberry?”
Shushing him, I tune into what the elder will say.
“Again, my apologies to everyone. I had a vision, Vater Henry, it’s imperative that I be here.” The Elder takes a seat directly across from me, giving me a wink when no one is looking.
The Vater’s eyes are large, seeming surprised not just that he’s here, but that he would claim he was given a vision from God. I don’t recall ever hearing an elder claiming they had visions, only the Vater. If I was to guess, the elder just lied. He’s here because of what he told me the night we escaped. I have allies inside the church.
“Yes, very well. We certainly can’t question God now can we.” The Vater clears his throat before looking back to Mateo, giving him the floor.
Mateo sits straight with his forearms resting on the table, his hands clasped tightly in front of him before sliding his gaze to his right and left. When he looks back to the Vater, he begins. “Once again, I’d like to thank you, each of you, for agreeing to meet with us today.” He makes eye contact with each of the elders at the table, while ignoring David, despite knowing he too is an elder, and judging from the Luke on David’s face, he noticed the slight. “Now, with that said, we have asked you hear to discuss some concerns that we hope you will be willing to address.”
The Vater nods, encouraging Mateo to go on, while I never look away from David. I have a bad feeling about him.
While I keep an eye on the biggest threat in the room, Mateo lays everything on the table. “Vater, I’m going to hope you aren’t aware, but there are members of your church that are selling young girls to a sect on the west coast. We have direct knowledge of this, in fact, we have proof.”
Wait, what? What proof? I gave Vater Henry all the proof we had the night of my placement ceremony. We didn’t discuss any proof. So what are you up to Mateo?
I’m no longer interested in keeping my eye on David. Mateo has my undivided attention. And it’s apparent he has Vater Henry’s as well.
“Lord Mateo,” the Vater pauses to ensure he has everyone’s attention. “I realize Anna can be very convincing, and since you haven’t known her long, I would assume you don’t know she suffers from mental illness. She hardly constitutes as proof.”
Before he can go on, Luke slams his fist on the table as he jumps to his feet. David has his hands on the two knives stored on each hip, and his right hand is looking very twitchy.
Before Luke can climb across the table and rip the Vater’s face off, Mateo stands, placing a calming hand on his shoulder. “Let me handle this, friend.”
Luke looks from Mateo, to the Vater, and then to me. I nod and smile, letting him know there’s no need to defend my honor. I don’t care what they think of me, or what they say. Luke nods, and takes his seat once again, although his face is still beet red. I can practically feel the heat coming off him.
Mateo takes his seat as well, and then addresses the Vater. “Anna is not the proof I speak of, Vater.”
Mateo leans back nodding to Easton before Easton makes his way to the kitchen door to my right. Only a minute passes before the door reopens, and out walk three women. The woman leading the others is none other than Rose. Beautiful, sweet Rose. I hope she smoked her grass today because if not, and they make fun of her voice, I will lose it on everyone.
Oh my Gawd! Getting a better look at the last girl, I realize I recognize her too. America Wheaton. I know her, but I had no idea she would be someone that could prove the elders were selling girls. The story on her disappearance from the compound was that she had left on her own. Rumor had it that she’d spit in the Vater’s face, cursed God, and then the next day just walked out the front gate. But now that I know they don’t just let you leave, I happen to be living proof of that, the rumor seems implausible. Was she actually sold? Knowing that she’s here with Rose as proof, it seems likely.
All the possibilities are put to a stop when Mateo speaks again. “They are my proof, Vater. Each of these girls was sold to a Vater on the west coast, and I won’t tell you what was done to them, but I think you know.”
Shaking his head, the Vater argues, “That’s not possible, only one of these girls is even from my compound, and that’s America Wheaton. And I know
for a fact she wasn’t sold. She refused to complete her placement ceremony; she refused to be judged by God. She wasn’t sold, she left.”
The Vater is still shaking his head as I look to Elder Thompson, his left eye twitching. Elder Thompson knows that isn’t true, and I would bet my life that’s just the story he gave the Vater. Which means the Vater really hasn’t been involved in the selling of girls. He truly believes I made it all up because I’m mentally ill, or he doesn’t want to believe.
Looking back to the Vater, I open my mouth to speak, but I don’t get a word out as America steps forward addressing the Vater.
“Vater Henry, I know you didn’t know. I know Elder Thompson lied to you. And he did, lie to you I mean. I didn’t want to go through with my placement, and I voiced that to you and others. I wasn’t ready, but I wasn’t allowed to take time, instead I was drug from my room in the middle of the night, bound and gagged, and then tossed in the back of a wagon before they slipped a needle into my arm. I was drugged Vater, and then when I woke up, I was in a different compound with a different Vater. Lord Mateo might not tell you what was done to us in that compound, but I will. Vater Roger is sick, and he’s surrounded himself with equally sick men.”
She takes a deep breath and tries to continue, but Elder Thompson attempts to interrupt her. Before he can speak, the General stands, grinding his fists together in front of his chest as he stares down the elder.
Well, that shut him right up. Ha. Chicken shit.
America looks to the General seeming to convey her appreciation, and then returns to her story. “When he purchases a new girl, she is kept drugged for weeks until she becomes compliant. Then she is traded around from one man to the next, raped over and over and over. That is until she gets pregnant. Girls prayed they would get pregnant because that meant the men wouldn’t touch them. He keeps each girl until they produce one child, or if the girl is a favorite with the men she might be kept until she has two. But then…well then she is cast out. Into the wilderness of the west coast. That’s what happened to me. And both of these girls have similar stories even if they aren’t from your compound.”
My heart hurts, and I think I might be sick. Elder Berry’s face looks the same way I feel, but he’s the only one.
Even the Vater remains stone faced, but he is the first to speak. “America, I understand you believe that’s what happened but I assure you it wasn’t.”
I’m sorry, say what?
My vision narrows as I feel the warning signs that I may pass out. None of this matters. Even if he didn’t know it was happening, he knows now, hell he knew when I told him, and he chose to ignore it. He chose to be complicit.
I’m vaguely aware of the Vater talking. Something about him assuring Mateo what these girls claim, what I claim, is false. I hear him assure Mateo that he will however look into the west coast Vater, just to ensure there is no wrong doing on his part.
It’s clear to everyone in the room, at least on this point, we won’t get anywhere with the Vater. I have to get it together though; this was only one of the issues we came here to discuss.
A throat clears next to me, and for the first time since the meeting starts, Lord Paul speaks. “Fine. On to the next matter. Your men, your elders, Vater…” When he says elders, it’s with disgust and a sneer, but then he pauses looking to each man across the table before continuing. “They are stealing supplies from the people outside your walls, the people out here just trying to survive. They have attacked my men three times in the last month. The supplies that run from my territory to Bonham have been attacked multiple times in the last few months.” Slamming his fist down on the table, he adds, “This stops now! Or I will take action, and this time, we won’t just blow up a couple walls and do some damage to your buildings. I’ll bring every man I’ve got, and burn the place to the fucking ground.”
Well that escalated quickly. No wonder he hasn’t spoken until now. Man’s got a temper.
The Vater’s eyes are huge, a bead of sweat dripping from his temple down to his cheek, and a quick glance tells me his friends are feeling just as intimidated.
“Lord Paul, I assure you I have no knowledge of this, but if what you say is true, it will not be tolerated. You have my word I will look into this at once, and if I find any of my elders are authorizing theft or attacks outside the walls, they will be dealt with harshly.” The Vater says it with authority, in a manner that makes you want to believe him.
But it’s clear Lord Paul has little faith in his words. “We’ll see about that, and if not I meant what I said.”
Yeah, in case anyone forgot, he said he’d burn the place to the fucking ground.
The Vater nods in his direction, his hands clasped tightly on the table, visibly shaking. “Well, I think this went well. All things considered.”
Are you freaking kidding me?
But I don’t voice that out loud because he’s still talking.
“And with that, I think this meeting is over. Lord Paul. Lord Mateo.” He nods to each man and then stands, followed by the elders Thompson and Berry.
I can’t help but notice he didn’t address me. Wait, hold on, this meeting isn’t over. What about David? What about what he did to Ash? I need to know if the Vater knew, and the only way is to tell him and see how he reacts.
“Vater, wait,” I call.
The men already have their backs to me, but at my words, the Vater and Elder Berry turn to face me. David had never turned away from me, and Elder Thompson still walks to the door.
“Vater, there is one more thing, please.” I’m standing by the time I finish my plea as Luke stands to my left and the rest of the room stays silent waiting to hear what I’ll say. Seeing the Vater nod his approval, I spit it out as fast as I can. “Ash Booker was in one of your elders care for days inside his private residence. He tortured her. He…” I choke back a sob at the thought, and I see a look of pity cross the Vater’s face. Sucking it up, I muster through. “He did horrible things to her.”
Before I can finish, David lunges, and I can barely make out the blurry features of Luke and the General as they fly past me to tackle him. Everyone in the room goes on red alert, knives and swords drawn and at the ready in a matter of seconds.
“Stop!” The Vater yells. “Stop! Everyone, put away your weapons. There is no need for this.”
He has his hands out in front of him, trying to signal peace, but everyone’s blood is already pumping. For several minutes, it’s like time stands still. Each person in the room waiting for just one person on the other side to make a move, to flinch.
Finally, Luke and the General let go of David, but they remain between him and me. Everyone else seems to take a collective sigh of relief and then the Vater speaks.
“Go on child. I know this is important to you. Finish.”
And I do, even though I know it doesn’t matter. “He beat her, starved her, left her bound and gagged for days tied to a chair with no food. He…he molested her, Vater. Everything except, well he stopped short of raping her.”
David interrupts me, yelling, “You are sick. You need help. I would never hurt a child.”
Tears poor down my cheeks as I say my final words, “Tara was there. He let her watch, let her participate in the abuse.”
And then my legs collapse as Easton catches me.
I don’t have the strength to say anything else, but I do see the look that crosses the Vater’s face. He believes me, and I don’t think he’s okay with what David did. But he doesn’t say a word, the General with his imposing size and clenched fists ushering them out the front door.
chapter 16 - Mua-Ha-Ha
That little bitch. I never even imagined she would bring up Ash Booker in the meeting. Although, I don’t know why that thought hadn’t crossed my mind. I guess I had been so focused on everything else, things that effected the livelihood of the church, that little insignificant thing didn’t seem important. That had been my mistake, it won’t happen ag
Then on top of that, for the Vater to say he didn’t condone stealing, and that it would be stopped immediately should he find their claims to be true, well that was a problem too. Maybe not as big as him knowing about mine and Tara’s little torture sessions, but a problem none the less.
I knew exactly what was about to happen. As soon as we got back to the compound a council meeting would be called, requesting an investigation into Anna’s claims about me and Ash Booker. Even though half the elders wouldn’t give two shits what I did or didn’t do to the girl, they would need to keep up appearances. Which means they’d have no choice but to vote against me. I’d be found guilty and cast out.
This wasn’t just about me though. This was about Tara too. Anna had told the Vater that Tara was there, that she watched and participated. They would put her on trial right alongside me, and there was no way I could let that happen to her. No way I could let that happen to either of us.
Then there was the matter of the other two elders in the meeting today. I had nothing to worry about with Elder Thompson, but Elder Berry was another question. I wasn’t certain where he stood in all this. On the one hand, I know he has never been involved in any of the side businesses some of the elders had going on, but that didn’t necessarily mean he would be against them. On the other hand, I find it very odd that he showed up today uninvited. Not to mention, I caught the man looking at Anna too many times during the meeting. I’m not sure what that means, but I have a bad feeling about it.
No, I think he will have to be dealt with too. Just maybe not as harshly as Vater Henry.
Coming to this realization as our group makes our way down the main road in town, I search out Elder Berry first. Looking to my right and then left, I don’t see him. I stop, turning to face the direction we’d come from, maybe he was just slower than the rest of us, but no. He isn’t further back either. Making a slow circle, I scan every visible inch of the main road. The man just disappeared. Vanished into thin air. Well, that answers that question. No matter, he can’t have gone far.