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Leaving The Way: Book Two (The Way Trilogy) Page 18

  “I can do that. I mean, we can do that. I’ll just need to know when, once you know.” From his position squatting on the ground, he turns and adds, “Anything else?”

  I open my mouth to speak, but Chase cuts me off. “Yes. If there is any way for us to come in, kill David, and arrest the elders without any real fighting, then that’s our goal. After we’ve done that, we’ll reveal Vater Henry, and fill everyone in on what the church has done, is doing. Make sure people know that’s our goal, minus the Vater Henry part, not to kill a bunch of people, but to shut this down with as few deaths as possible. Can you do that?”

  “Yes.” And with Andy’s confirmation there isn’t anything else to say.

  Andy leans over giving Chase one of those bro hugs, and then standing he walks away. Chase and I wait only a few minutes before we begin our trek back to the horse, staying low and as quiet as possible.

  Less than an hour later, we are back on Chase’s horse, headed back to Bonham with the knowledge and the hope that this could actually work. Especially knowing we didn’t tell Andy everything, and we have a few tricks up our sleeves.



  There is no doubt in my mind they’re close to another attack on the compound, and while I’ve done everything I can to prepare us for that reality, I’m starting to doubt my preparations. I’m starting to doubt if those preparations are going to be enough. I’m starting to doubt us getting the win, when just weeks ago I was so certain we would slaughter them.

  I still have two men undercover in Bonham, and the report they sent back this morning indicated their forces have grown. The report stated another gang showed up, pledging their allegiance to the cause. The Osage, although my man referred to them as a northern tribe, not a gang. It doesn’t matter, it’s still another hundred men. Another hundred men to their three-hundred they already had camped out near town.

  As of this morning, I have three hundred and twenty-five men ready to fight. Well, as ready as they can be with only a couple weeks training under their belts, and for some less than that. Let’s face it, most of them will die.

  This morning, I’ve been seriously considering holding a service, telling every man, woman, and child they need to be prepared to fight when they attack, but if I do that it will only play into the rumors circulating.

  The rumors. It’s become glaringly obvious we have a traitor inside the compound, but I can’t seem to figure out who it is. Although, there’s no doubt in my mind its someone who’s meeting with the gangs directly.

  It started out yesterday when I overheard two woman speaking in hushed tones down the hall from my office. The only thing I made out before they saw me and quieted, was that three gangs had banded together and planned to attack the compound. I’d had one of my men bring them in for questioning yesterday afternoon, but it had turned into a wild goose chase. They’d heard it from so and so, who’d heard it from a kitchen employee, who’d heard it from their mom, and so on. Once we got thirty people deep, we realized we didn’t have time to investigate every single one, and by that time, another rumor was already making the rounds.

  The second rumor was by far worse than the first, considering it was the one thing I needed everyone not to find out. One of my men had been told that I had killed the Vater and the Mutter, and he’d reported it directly to Brian, who of course brought the information straight to me. What’s funny is the Mutter is still alive, but it’s not like I can just reveal that to everyone to dispel these rumors. With everything that’s been going on, I haven’t had time to kill the old bitty yet, even though I told everyone she had died in the same attack as her husband.

  Those two rumors combined have me convinced someone specific inside these walls is spreading them, and they most definitely have a purpose. If I were to guess, they’ve sided with the gangs, with Anna Cress, and they’re trying to sow dissent, so that when they attack the people won’t fight back. I gotta give them credit, it’s not a bad plan. Knowing that, the only way to stop this before it gets out of hand is to figure out who the traitor is.

  Even before the rumors the people were restless, acting out. My estimate is that the compound is evenly divided between those who don’t have a problem with me being the new Vater and those that do. Tara wanted me to start arresting those who would speak out against me, but it’s not that easy. One, we don’t have enough cells for that many people. Two, if that many people start going missing it will only serve to make everyone more paranoid, and three, I’d be looking at getting rid of half the compound. I can’t do that, if for no other reason than we need those people to hunt, clean, cook, and any number of other things to keep the compound running smoothly. We could be looking at a total collapse if we lose half our population.

  No, I have to find another way, but first, to find the traitor.

  chapter 21 - Truth Or Dare


  “You’re putting my cousin’s life on the line with this bullshit.”

  “Don’t you think I know that Chase? I know that, trust me I do. But if we go in before we’re ready it could cost everyone their lives. Yours, mine, Andy’s, everyone.”

  Mateo and Chase have been arguing this point for over an hour. Honestly, they’re both right. Every day we drag this out is another day we risk David finding out Andy is the mole. And yet, I see Mateo’s point too.

  Chase wants to attack the compound tomorrow while Mateo wants to give it another week on the off chance the Republic shows up. It’s been two weeks though since Mateo sent another plea to them asking for their assistance. Two weeks, and not even a reply. They aren’t coming. We need to recognize that fact and plan accordingly.

  “Mateo,” I say, waiting for his attention. “You’re both right, but the Republic aren’t coming. Waiting for the Republic is a catch twenty-two. Sure them showing up would significantly increase our numbers, but every day we wait on them is another day David has to prepare.”

  “She’s right.” Lord Paul has been arguing that point for the last week, so I’m not sure why Mateo would listen to me when he hasn’t listened to him up to this point.

  And with that the arguing starts up again. I really can’t take much more of this. Once again I realize six months from now we could still be sitting around this room trying to decide when to attack, but there’s nothing I can say that I haven’t already said a dozen times.

  Suddenly the room quiets as Mateo roughly takes his seat, scrubbing his hands down his face and letting out a long breath. “You’re right. Anna, Paul, I know you’re right. I just don’t want everyone to die because of a decision I made. I just wish there was another way.”

  With his words, I’m reminded of what I said to Andy the night Chase and I met with him outside the north wall of the compound. I told him we wanted a peaceful resolution, and at the time Vater Henry had come to mind, although I hadn’t voiced it at the time.

  “I have an idea.” Mateo turns in my direction, his eyes filled with hope as I lay it all out. “We want a peaceful resolution if possible. We want as few deaths as possible. Right?” Looking around the room there isn’t a single person who seems to disagree with my thoughts. “Alright, so we have Vater Henry. Right? We have him, and no one other than Andy inside the compound knows that. What if we use that to our advantage? Not for the aftermath like we had originally talked about, but for the actual attack.”

  “I’m listening.” Mateo scoots his chair to allow him a better view of me, encouraging me to go on,

  I take a deep breath. “We tell Andy exactly when we plan to attack, and he uses his diversion to make sure as many people as possible are outside near the gates. I don’t know, maybe a fire alarm. Anyway, how bad would David shit if we appeared right at the front gate with Vater Henry front and center for all the world to see?”

  Luke lets out a laugh, shaking his head. “Yup, he would absolutely shit.”

  From my glance around the room, everyone is having a similar reaction as they try to imagine the look on David�
��s face. This could work actually. If everyone, or even a lot of people, see the Vater, the real Vater, standing there alive after David said he was dead, well they might very well just let us right in the front gate. Which would allow us inside without a single death.

  Mateo clears his throat, mumbling something under his breath too low for us to hear before raising his voice and filling each of us in on his thoughts. “Yup, I’m in. Two days, that way Chase can meet Andy tonight and let him know we’ll be outside the gates tomorrow evening. Let’s say eight p.m.? Any arguments?”

  Mateo looks to Dakota first, then Lord Paul, but it’s Luke that responds. “No arguments. And eight is good. We don’t want it to be so late people are in bed.”

  There’s a chorus of agreements around the room, along with a few side conversations, and then I add, “Now all we have to do is get Vater Henry on board, and make sure he doesn’t go rogue once David is dead.”

  With those words, I slip out the front door and take a seat on the bench out front. It’s midafternoon, still plenty of time for Chase to get everything in order and then head off to meet Andy. Part of me wants to go with him, the other part of me wants to spend one last night with Luke.

  When Luke takes the seat next to me, slipping his hand in mine, the latter part wins out.



  Chase left hours ago to meet Andy, and given the current time he could be back any minute. The rest of us decided to party the night away. One last hoorah before we all potentially die. No, I’m not gonna think like that. We have a solid plan, and after several of us met with the Vater early this afternoon, I feel even better about it. Granted, I don’t trust that man as far as I can throw him, but he did say he would help us, and he said once David was dead or in custody, he would help us take down the rest of the rogue elders. Once that was finished, he would ensure the church got back to its original intent, and the selling of girls or theft of any kind would not be tolerated. He also agreed to help us in the bigger mission to take down Vater Roger, and any other compound engaging in unsavory practices.

  Even though there’s a good chance the Vater could screw us over the minute we step foot inside the compound, I have a really good feeling about our plan of attack. Good enough that tonight, I let go of everything that’s happened and everything that may be yet to come. I let go of it all and just enjoy my friends, my family. My parents had even shown up earlier today from Greenville, and now I watch as Easton tries to teach my father some drinking game in the corner while my mother sits nearby laughing.

  Around the room, everyone seems to have made a similar choice as me. No one sulks, no one brings up the church, and no one even so much as mentions the attack looming less than twenty-four hours away.

  Okay, I realize I’m thinking about it right now, but that’s because I’m waiting on Brea to get back from a bathroom break. It doesn’t count.

  “Alright, people! Let’s play spin the bottle!” Brea yells as she steps back in the room.

  There’s a chorus of no’s from around the room, and I notice they’re all boys with a significant other. Not sure what spin the bottle is, but it was a hard no for Luke. Got it.

  “Fine,” she pouts. “What about…truth or dare?”

  There are several noes to her suggestion, but not quite as many as the first, and I know this game, so I’m totally in.

  “We’re doing it!” Brea squeals and claps her hands as she motions for anyone playing to gather around.

  I don’t have to go far. Brea, Camila, Ash, and I had already been sitting at a table near the bar, so we only have to wait on a few others to join us. Luke slips in next to me whispering that if I’m playing he’s playing. Mateo and Daniel both join us as well, but no one else in the room makes a move to join so Brea starts us off.

  “Mateo, truth or dare?” She asks with a sneaky look in his direction before turning back to me and winking. When he answers dare, she claps her hands, bouncing up and down in her seat before putting on a serious-minded face. “Oh, I got it. Mateo, I dare you to take your shirt off, get on the bar, and squawk like a chicken. Hand motions and all please,” she cackles.

  Mateo picks up his drink, and throwing it back he removes his shirt before completing his dare. Not only am I laughing the minute he takes off his shirt, I’m in the floor by the time he’s done. He just did that in front of Lord Paul and Dakota, who by the way are not playing our little game. Of course, that didn’t stop them from laughing their asses off.

  Once Mateo returns to his seat, he’s ready to claim his turn, but first he points a promissory finger in Brea’s direction and says, “I’ll get you back later. In private.” Brea actually looks concerned as her eyes widen and she scoots closer to Camila. “Alright, my turn. Hmmm. Luke, truth or dare?” With Luke’s response of dare, my heart pounds in my chest, and Mateo looks pleased. “Good. How about…”

  Before finishing he stands from his seat, crossing to the bar and whispering something to Emily too low for us to hear. She nods her approval as she reaches under the bar and pulls out a mason jar filled with a clear liquid. Sliding it to Mateo, he turns and makes his way back over to us before slamming it down in front of Luke. I’d say it was just water, except I can smell it from here.

  “Luke old boy, I dare you to drink that entire jar in under three minutes.” Mateo laughs at his own genius, but Luke does not look happy.

  I turn to Luke to tell him he most certainly does not have to do this, but with a grimace he reaches for the jar, and then tipping it to his lips, he swallows every last drop in one go.

  “Holy shit, psycho,” Brea squeaks.

  “Damn, man. I didn’t actually think you would do it.” Mateo’s eyes are wide, as he adds, “Dude, you’re definitely gonna puke tonight.”

  And with that Easton and Tommy begin chanting Luke’s name from the other side of the room.

  Luke’s face looks a little pale, and there’s a blue tint to his lips, so much so that I’m legitimately worried, until he says, “Anna, truth or dare.”

  You son of a bitch.

  Ugh, do I want to do a truth in front of all these people, but then again these people probably know all my secrets. On the flip side, do I want to do a dare with my parents on the other side of the room.

  “Dare,” I practically yelp.

  He legit just cackled, like God’s honest cackled.

  Reaching over I pinch his side, whispering, “Remember, I know where you sleep.” Only I suck at whispering so pretty much everyone heard it as they let out amused giggles and chuckles.

  From the grin that splits his face, it’s obvious he does not care that I know where he sleeps, and then he says, “I dare you…”

  Only he doesn’t get to finish as one of Mateo’s men trips through the front door, blood pouring from his mouth and right eye.

  Everyone moves at once. Mateo jumps over me as he and Luke make it to the man first. He’s stammering, trying but unable to get any words out. Luke and Mateo help him to the chair he just vacated as Emily makes it over with her black medical bag.

  While Emily gets him cleaned up, I notice Ash making her way to me on the other side of the table. Sitting down, she leans in and whispers, “It’s four thirty, Anna. a.m.”

  It doesn’t dawn on me at first why this matters, other than the fact that we are all going to be nursing hangovers tomorrow, until the man interrupts my thoughts, his words shaky and scared.

  “They have Chase.”

  And that’s all it takes for my best friend to push her way past me, getting in his face and grabbing him by the shirt. “What do you mean?” It’s a growl, that sounded more like it came from Mateo’s mouth, and I’d believe that if I hadn’t seen her mouth move.

  “They sent five…men to…deliver the message,” he stammers, pausing to take a breath before trying to finish. “David said…tell the little…bitch, I have Chase. And then…they beat…” he can’t finish as he practically hacks up a lung. He doesn’t need to though; we all get

  Chase was caught meeting Andy, and now David has him.



  I knew there was a fucking traitor inside my compound, I just didn’t know who it was until tonight, and I couldn’t have enjoyed it more. Brian and I had been discussing plans to ward of the imminent gang attack when one of my men had come in claiming to have information he thought might be important. He’d been on gate duty several nights this week while Andy Baker had been on perimeter duty, and he’d noticed a few things he thought worth mentioning. He’d claimed that two nights in the last few days, Andy didn’t have consistent walks. Meaning, one full walk around the compound might take forty minutes, while the next over an hour. Now, this might not be cause for alarm if Andy had submitted any reports that would explain why some of his walks were taking longer. Like maybe a suspicious noise or an issue with the wall, but instead he hadn’t submitted a single report in more than two weeks. Brian had also mentioned Andy’s name had been brought up several times regarding the rumors circulating the compound. Then when we’d pulled Andy’s file, low and behold, he was Chase Hurst’s cousin, their mothers having been sisters.

  I was immediately livid with myself. I should have already conducted a cross check on anyone in the church that had any kind of a relationship with Anna Cress, Ash Booker, or Chase Hurst. How could I be so stupid? But at least it answered the question of who our little traitor was.

  Once we’d figured that out though, sure we could take him into custody without any hard evidence. I have no qualms about doing whatever I want, for whatever reason, but I wanted to catch him. I wanted to catch that little shit in the act.

  So we’d set men in each of the turrets with the sole purpose of watching Andy Baker while he conducted his perimeter checks tonight. And as for me, well given the north wall was a favorite of the gangs, I had laid in wait just outside the wall, covered by the foliage of a copse of trees.