Leaving The Way: Book Two (The Way Trilogy) Page 2
I can understand that, but it doesn’t make it okay. It took two minutes to explain what he wanted to do and give us the chance to weigh in. I won’t accept anything less. I don’t care how hot he is.
Cody and Chase stand protectively on either side of me, and before I can tell Luke exactly that, Chase speaks up. “I get feeling protective, trust me. But we’ve gotten this far because we communicate and work things out as a group. I know your important to Anna, but my girlfriend is in there dealing with God only knows what. So, while we are more than open to your ideas, we aren’t just gonna follow you blindly. You have to earn that kind of trust, and even then, we still need to work together as a team.”
Luke nods his understanding, but before we can discuss it further, Tommy bursts through the door.
“Harper, we’ve got company.”
I almost don’t know who he’s talking to until I remember that must be Luke’s last name. And also shit, what kind of company?
After Tommy declared we had company, he ran back out the door with Luke hot on his heels, leaving Chase, Cody, and I standing there like a bunch of idiots. I’m not sure I’m cut out for being on the lamb. After standing there for too long, the three of us finally rushed out on the porch after snatching up our bags.
Luke, Tommy, and one of Luke’s other friends, either Easton or Talon, I’m not sure which, stand just past the front steps looking back in the direction of the compound. Once we join them, we can just make out people off in the distance.
Well, that’s fun.
“Anna, I know we just had a talk about discussing things, but there’s no time. We gotta go.” Luke grabs my arm, tugging me in the opposite direction, and I don’t struggle. He’s right, there’s no time.
When we start running, I instantly regret my lack of cardio over the years. Within minutes I’m sweating buckets, but at least I can hear Cody wheezing as he keeps pace next to me. At least I won’t be the only one holding the team back because if we have to keep this up too much longer, I think he and I both might kick the bucket,
One of Luke’s friend, we are gonna have to get them name tags, runs up from behind us scaring the shit out of Cody and I both.
“We aren’t gonna make it, Harper. I think they spotted us, and they’re on horses. We gotta make a stand.”
With that information, I look to Luke, hoping he has a better plan than making a stand, but he seems lost in thought. I look over my shoulder, but I don’t see anything behind us, and I also don’t see the log in front of me. Before I can stop myself I go flying, feet over head, landing with a resounding thud in a small puddle of dirty water.
Three men say my name as I try to clear my foggy brain. I feel a hand on my waist, but I can’t pay attention to that because now, I see the men behind us. I can’t speak yet; all I can do is point. They each turn to look at the same time, and there’s a round of, shit, fuck, damn it as Luke helps me stand. My thoughts exactly.
I see five men on horseback, and at least two further away running on foot. Which means we might be matched in terms of numbers, but in every other aspect we are so totally screwed. Easton and Talon look like they might be in their mid-twenties like Cody, and I’m embarrassed to say I don’t actually know how old Luke is, but I doubt he’s more than twenty, the same age as Chase. I don’t know about Luke and the other two as far as experience goes, but I know Chase, Cody, and I have zero experience fighting. There is no way we stand a chance fighting the grown men barreling down on us, no more than two hundred yards away now.
“Spread out!” Luke barks before turning to me. “Don’t leave my side, Little Minx.”
Oh, so in the face of danger we’re back to nicknames? Got it.
As the men on horses eat up the last hundred yards between us, Luke grabs my hand, pushing me slightly behind him but never letting go. Cody and Chase are spread out on my left, Easton and Talon on Luke’s right. Tommy is nowhere to be seen.
The men stop just feet from us, not bothering to dismount yet. I recognize one of them, David. The Enforcer’s right hand man. The one we all assume will end up taking his place as elder. He sits atop his solid black horse, slightly in front of the other men, presenting himself as the leader, so it’s not surprising when he’s the first one to speak.
“Anna Cress, Chase Hurst, Cody Booker. The three of you are under arrest.”
Say what now? Under arrest for what? I have never even heard of an arrest being made by the church, and certainly never one if its own members. What law did we break that would warrant such a thing? I told the Vater the truth, and then when they didn’t believe me, we left. We aren’t responsible for the attack on the compound. In fact, the only violence we participated in was when we were attacked trying to leave by Elder McGee. That was self-defense.
Raising his chin in the air and flashing a sneer in my direction, he speaks again, “I don’t know who the rest of you are, but you don’t belong here. Let go of the girl and walk away now before you too find yourselves under arrest.”
I’m so shocked by his words the deep belly-laugh from Luke next to me is startling. “And what gives you the authority to arrest me or my friends? I’m not a member of the church, and from what Anna tells me, she’s no longer a member either. She no longer follows The Way, so you have no hold over her. Turn around now and I’ll allow you to leave unscathed.”
While I appreciate your confidence, Luke, how about we settle down for a second. I know what these men, especially David, are capable of, and I happen to know from personal experience being a smart ass is the fastest way to piss them off.
With Luke’s words, David dismounts with a growl, his men following.
Hate to say I told ya so.
Before he can speak, Chase steps forward. “Where’s Ash?”
The evil laugh that escapes David’s lips has Chase and I both stepping forward, but Luke tugs me back.
“Your girlfriend? She’s quite the spitfire, I tell ya,” David mocks as his men laugh.
“If you touch a single hair on her head, I’ll kill you,” Chase growls back in response.
“Oh, but I already have.”
And before he can even finish the words Chase lunges.
I hear Luke curse next to me, and see Easton and Talon dive into the fray as Chase tackles David. It’s absolute chaos, arms and legs flying everywhere. Luke doesn’t seem to be inclined to leave my side, and Cody remains on my left with Tommy still oddly missing.
No one has pulled out any weapons so far, everyone seeming to enjoy the gratification of flesh hitting flesh. Chase gets in a good upper cut and David goes flying back on his butt, replaced by two members of his team. Two guys hit Chase in tandem, with a pile of men next to him, Easton and Talon on top. When their two team members we had seen on foot further back finally approach and jump in, Cody finally leaves his place at my side, diving into the pile.
I look to Luke for a sign he plans to join them, but I see no indication, only his eyes flitting back and forth, perhaps calculating the odds. When a fist connects with Cody’s face sending blood flying, I can’t take it anymore.
“Luke, they’re all gonna kill each other. We have to stop this.”
His eyes cut to mine, brimming with compassion, but he doesn’t speak. Frustrated, I rip my hand from his and charge toward the tangle of limps. Before I can dive in, a deafening crack sounds through the trees and I fall to my knees, covering my ears.
Looking up, I search for whatever might have made that horrible sound and I see Tommy, a gun in his hands, pointed at the back of David’s head.
“Nobody fucking move!” His face is twisted in anger, a vein popping out on his head. “I’ll blow his head off.”
Everyone freezes including me, although I don’t think he was talking to me. But let’s not take any chances, shall we. I kind of like my head. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Talon and Easton making their way to their feet, both wearing matching grins of triumph, blood staining th
eir teeth. I’m pretty sure the blonde one, Talon maybe, is missing a piece of his ear. I might throw up.
Tommy yells for Chase and Cody to get up. Chase does easily, leaning down to give Cody a hand. They both look worse for wear but still alive. Hey, it’s the little things. The two step back a few feet, out of the line of fire, and leave David and his men on the ground. David is livid, if the look on his face is anything to go by.
Fuming, he’s the first one to speak, “What’re you gonna do, kid?”
Now that’s funny, because I happen to know David is only twenty-one. Must be an intimidation tactic.
When Tommy speak in response, it’s through clenched teeth. “Anna, do you denounce the Church of The Way?”
Well, I wasn’t expecting that, but okay. “I do. I left the church and I have no intention of going back.”
“You heard her,” Tommy spits in their direction. “Get on your horse, go back home, and leave her and her friends the hell alone.”
David starts to argue, and Tommy presses a lever of some kind on the gun, making a clicking sound causing David to shut his mouth. While David looks furious, his men look petrified. None of them have moved or spoken since Tommy fired that first shot. Hell, one of them looks like he isn’t even breathing. David nods to his men, and each of them begin to mount their horses, two of them having to ride double, while he still stands his ground.
I thought it was over, but Luke isn’t done. “Where is Ash?”
David flashes Chase a bloody grin before answering Luke. “She’s at the compound where she belongs. She realized she was on the wrong path, and she is more committed than ever to The Way.”
“Bullshit,” Chase growls, lunging forward once more.
The next part happens in what seems like slow motion. One of David’s men slides down from his horse. I wouldn’t have noticed the knife in his right hand if not for light glistening off the shiny metal. The blonde, Talon I think, rushes forward, pulling a similar style knife hidden in a sheath on his back. Chase, Talon, and the man with the knife clash together at the same time, David being knocked back by the force. And that’s when a loud bang reverberates through the trees, sending me to my knees. Luke dives on top of my body, protecting me from whatever comes next.
Through the ringing in my ears, the next thing I hear is a scream. “Talon!”
Easton takes off at a sprint, diving to the ground and pulling Talon to his chest.
Did Talon get shot? But why would Tommy shoot one of his friends? Unless maybe it was an accident?
That’s when I see it, the knife sticking out of Talon’s chest. There’s blood pouring from the wound, Talon’s skin already unnaturally pale. There’s blood everywhere on the ground too, but it’s not from Talon. It’s from the man that pulled the knife and the bullet wound in the middle of his back. Chase is scrambling backward, trying to get away from David who now too holds a knife out at the ready.
“Enough,” Luke shouts over Easton’s cries. “Enough. You’ve already cost two men their lives. Walk away and you get to fight another day.”
David seems to think this through, eyes flitting back and forth between Luke and the blood soaked ground at his feet. Without another word he nods to his men as he stomps to his waiting horse. They turn as one, heading back in the direction of the compound, leaving their friend lying cold and lifeless on the ground.
Tommy never takes his eyes off their retreating backs, the gun still held firmly at his side. Chase and Cody join Easton on the ground where he holds Talon’s too still body. From my place on the ground, I watch Luke join them, a single tear slipping down his cheek. They must all be close. With a quick glance, it’s obvious Tommy wants to be with his friends, so I walk over giving him a quick hug.
“I’ll keep an eye out, Tommy. Go say goodbye to your friend.”
His eyes are glistening with unshed tears as he thanks me and makes his way over. Turning my back on the group and keeping my eyes toward where I know the
compound sits, I try to keep it together for their sakes; for Luke’s sake. Two men just died, and for what? So the church could maintain control? So they could try to get us back? We can’t be that important. And to make matters worse, all this little fight did was put an even bigger target on our backs. David has to go back to the church, back to Vater Henry, and tell him not only does he not have us, but he got one of his men shot and killed.
David will want revenge, and if I’m not around for him to enact that revenge on, who do you think he will take it out on?
Chapter 3 - Stages Of Grief
When the crumbled remains of the compound’s north wall came into view, I still hadn’t decided how to play this. Not only would I have to explain I hadn’t been successful in retrieving the girl and her friends, but one of my men was killed. Shot in the back by a member of the Diablo gang. We had no choice but to leave his lifeless body there, and I’d be lying if I said I gave two shits. The Vater however, will care very much. I’ll probably have to send a couple of my men back to retrieve his body. Seems like a waste of energy to me. What does it matter at this point?
The Vater is a problem, along with a handful of elders and their wives. They’ll have to be dealt with at some point, but for now our priority is the girl. Anna Cress knows too much, and her moral compass won’t allow her to just walk away. No, if I was to guess, that little bitch will be a thorn in my side for some time to come. I have no doubt her intention is to reveal to everyone in the compound what the Elders are really doing with the girls they claim don’t have faith. Not to mention, how we obtain a lot of our supplies from outside these walls. I wouldn’t even be surprised if she isn’t satisfied with just stopping the local sect and sets her sights on bigger picture stuff like California.
The church has been doing things this way for two decades. It keeps our people alive and happy. And our people are all that matters. We are the chosen people. Chosen by God to rebuild the human race; to rebuild civilization in his eyes. And I’ll be damned if what we’ve built here is destroyed by a bunch of children.
I haven’t been made an elder yet. After Elder Jacobs untimely death, as his second in command, I stepped up and took the lead, but nothing has been made official. With what just happened under my command, well, that could certainly effect my promotion. I need to make sure Vater Henry makes the right decision. I need to play this just right.
I dismount from my horse and make my way into the main building of the compound, headed to Vater Henry’s office. I need to report everything that’s just happened, as well as discuss security of the compound while the damages are being repaired.
When the backdoor of the building slams shut behind me, it kicks up a plume of dust from last night’s destruction and I choke. It takes several hacking coughs to clear my airway before I can continue on my path. The power is off in this section of the building still, but there’s enough light from the windows behind me to see by. The floor is littered with chunks of concrete, dirt, debris, and toppled furniture, and I nearly slip on a puddle of water from a busted pipe as I turn the corner, nearly running into Tara Calloway.
She mumbles an apology and I nod, stepping to the left to allow her to pass. Turning to look over my shoulder at her retreating form, I see she too has turned to look at me. When she winks, I’m surprised, but none the less intrigued.
Flirting with a man you aren’t married to is heavily frowned upon, but I don’t see eye to eye with the church on that respect. Sure, I agree woman should know their place, but being an unmarried man, I don’t mind a little promiscuity. A man has needs, and the fact that I’m still unmarried at twenty-one, those needs aren’t being met. Sure, I have a thing going with Ella Mason who lost her husband last year during a hunt, but she’s used goods. It would be a death sentence to take the virginity of an unmarried girl, so I have to resort to widowers. Ella isn’t old, on the contrary, she just turned thirty last month, but watching Tara walk away, those pigtails bounci
ng, yeah, I could get down with that.
“David, did you come to make your report?”
I’m jerked back from my mental fantasy by Vater Henry’s question. Turning, the man is standing in the doorway of his office looking a little worse for wear. It’s clear he hasn’t had time to shower. He’s still wearing the same suit he wore for last night’s placement ceremony. He’s done away with the coat, but the cream color button up dress shirt is covered in dust and blood, his chocolate dress pants have a long rip down the left leg, his hair is more than a little disheveled, and his face is still streaked with dirt and soot. He also has a bandage on his right cheek, no doubt obtained when the first explosion rocked the main building.
I nod in his direction, following him into his office and taking a seat in one of two chairs this side of his desk. The Vater makes his way around to the other side, taking a seat in his brown desk chair before propping each elbow on the desk and letting out a stressed sigh.
“Well, David, do you have the girl? Where is she?” He directs a hopeful gaze at me, and I wish I was able to tell him what he wants to hear.
Shaking my head before speaking, he sinks back waiting for me to explain. “I found her, along with Chase Hurst and Cody Booker. They had been hiding out in an abandoned house about five miles from here, but they weren’t alone.” Leaning forward, resting my arms on my knees, I think through what else to tell him.
The Vater sits up, eyes wide before asking, “What do you mean they weren’t alone? Who were they with?”
“Well, Vater, I tried to warn you, as did Elder Jacobs before his…untimely death. The girl is working with the Diablo gang. She was with four members, one of them I recognized as a higher up. My intel tells me Anna was the one that convinced Lord Mateo of the Diablo gang to attack last night.” Sitting back, I straighten my shoulders, doing my best to look down on him as he seems to process this information.
The Vater is nothing more than a figure head. Someone the people can look to for guidance and hope, but in reality he isn’t running the show. In fact, he’s pretty damn naïve if you ask me. He does his sermons, walks around with an air of authority, while a select few do the real dirty work. Elder Thompson and Elder McGee mostly, but a few others play their part, as well as the Vater’s wife, Mutter Vera. That woman is terrifying, and while the Vater is weak and probably wouldn’t hurt a fly, his wife is a whole other story. I have zero intentions of crossing the Mutter. It’s a good thing she and I are on the same side of things, and I plan to keep it that way.