Leaving The Way: Book Two (The Way Trilogy) Read online

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  “So which shift do you need me to take?” I ask Luke, looking between him and Tommy as they both break out in full belly laughs.

  When Luke sees the daggers I’m shooting his way, he quickly wipes the smile off his face, struggling to stifle another laugh. “Oh, you’re serious.”

  Oh, you’re serious? You son of a bitch. I’ll shove this shift right up your ass.

  But before I can tell him that, he cut me off. “Anna, it’s very considerate to offer, but I don’t think that’s a good idea for several reasons.” And since the look on my face says you better have a whole lot of damn good reasons, he elaborates, “For starters, you don’t have any fighting experience. Let’s say someone was sneaking up on us out there, you could end up really hurt, making it even harder on the rest of us. We’ve already lost one friend, Anna. I can’t lose another one.” His head bows. “Plus, and this is probably the most important, you don’t know the land out here; don’t know what people are like; you don’t have any experience outside the walls of the church. I just think it’s best if you let us handle this for now.”

  The woman in me who’s spent the last thirteen years in a church being taught men are better than us in every way, rears her head back and lets out a mighty roar. But the friend in me understands what he’s saying. This is Luke trying to protect me, yet again.

  Even though it takes everything in me not to bite his head off, I acquiesce. “Fine, I’ll let this go on one condition,” I pause, waiting on his nod of confirmation, and then continue, “When we get to HQ, you are gonna teach me how to fight, how to defend myself. Deal?” I thrust my hand out, waiting for him to accept the deal.

  He returns my grip with a firm shake as he says, “Yes, I had already planned on it. So, I’m not giving up much.”

  He chuckles as he lets go of my grip, and I feel a little cheated. I should have asked for more. I don’t know, maybe chocolate or something?

  Not long later, each of us with the exception of Easton, lay out our blankets on the cold earth, and with Cody on my left and Luke on my right, I drift off to sleep.

  When we wake up the next morning it’s freezing and rainy, showing no signs of stopping.

  Ha, I remember a Christmas song that said that. So, for the first of hour of our trip, that song plays on a loop in my head, and everyone around me stays silent.

  When we’d put the fire out at our camp this morning, Luke had said we were looking at a good five hours before we’d reach what used to be Paris, and he promised we would take the time to trek the mile or so out of our way to see if the Eiffel Tower with the cowboy hat was still standing. It’s the little things, folks.

  As we make our way toward Paris, we pass an abandoned military armory, an old gas station, and a few other buildings that are unrecognizable. For most of the trip I stay silent, but the guys make small talk here and there. Everyone is definitely in much better spirits today.

  Luke slows to walk next to me. “You doin’ okay, Little Minx?”

  I’m not sure if he means in general, or in regards to my haggard breath due to a lack of cardio, but either way I nod and smile.

  Resting his arm around my shoulder, we walk a few more paces before he speaks again. “So, we didn’t get to finish our conversation back at the house.”

  My breath hitches with his words, and I lean my head away from his shoulder, looking up at his beautiful blue eyes. I open my mouth to speak but my words are cut off by Tommy running back toward our group.

  “Guys, we gotta problem.”

  Are you f’ing kidding me, Tommy.



  Tommy had stayed ahead of us for most of the day as a look out, so when he reappeared out of nowhere saying we had a problem, my heart just about exploded. I am one-hundred percent certain I can’t handle another single thing, and if this is another run-in with David, I’m pretty sure I’ll kill him myself. Judging by the looks on everyone else’s faces, I think they feel the same way. But if it’s not David, then who?

  When Luke speaks, I’m not expecting his words. “Titans?”

  Shit, that thought hadn’t even crossed my mind, and Tommy’s nod of confirmation solidifies it. But is that a bad thing? Didn’t Luke say the leader of the Titans met with the leader of Diablo to discuss a joint attack on the church? So shouldn’t that mean they’re friends?

  When Luke grabs my hand and directs me and everyone else to turn east, it seems that isn’t the case. I wish people would stop making decisions without at least filling me in. Didn’t we just have this conversation no more than a day ago?

  I’m not sure how far we made it before coming across a rundown house. Luke ushers us inside, and it’s only a few minutes later he notices the pout on my lips and decides he better explain.

  “We haven’t really had any issues in the last few years with the Titans, but that probably all changed with Lord Mateo choosing not to attack the compound with them. Maybe not, it’s hard to know for sure, but I’m just not willing to take that chance. Their headquarters is east of here. So most likely those are the members who attacked the compound and they’re just headed home. We just need to wait it out. If they move as fast as I think they will, we should be able to move out pretty quick. Tommy is out keeping an eye on their progress.” He crosses over to where I sit on an old wooden bench seat next to a kitchen table, and his next words are whispered, meant only for me. “If we keep up our current pace, we could make it to my friend’s place around dark. Which means we’ll have a warm bed to sleep in tonight, and I promise we we’ll finally get to finish our conversation.”

  A blush sweeps across my cheeks, and he leans in to brush a peck to my temple. The two of us stay seated, hand in hand for just short of an hour before Tommy gives us the all clear and we continue on our journey.

  About midafternoon we come to an elevated highway, collapsed and crumbled in some areas, while in others it stands completely intact. Luke tells us the loop circled around what use to be Paris, Texas. From the number of burned out and rotting structures, it looks like it was a pretty good sized town at one point, but I’m disappointed that I don’t immediately see an Eiffel Tower looming over the destruction. How awesome would that have looked?

  It’s a hard trek maneuvering around all the destroyed homes and businesses, and it takes longer than Luke at hoped, but just as we get to the far side of town, a massive faded black metal structures comes into view up ahead.

  “Oh my God,” I let out a squeal when I realize what it is and take off at a sprint, hearing Luke and the rest following close behind.

  When I hear Chase whisper, “Geez, that’s the fastest she’s moved all day.” I shoot an evil eye over my shoulder, holding it to make sure he knows it was for him. That’s right, just because you’re my BFF’s BF does not me I won’t cut you.

  The metal tower has definitely seen better days, leaning on its side, surrounded by chunks of concrete. The first chunk of concrete says something on it, but its faded and I can’t make it out. The second however, says Veteran’s Memorial. It makes me sad that a piece of our people’s history is left to fade to dust in a field. That people cared so little for this monument they destroyed it as soon as the government collapsed.

  Our group makes our way to the top of the tower, but there isn’t a cowboy hat on top, just a few jagged edges. Clearly the last few weeks has made me unreasonably emotional because I have to actively work to keep the tears at bay over a missing cowboy hat on a dang Eiffel Tower.

  While I continue to search through the pile of metal and concrete, the guys decide this is a good time for bathroom breaks and a quick snack. Everyone breaks off on their own while I remain standing still, emotional.

  When I hear Easton yell, my gut instinct is to panic, but he doesn’t sound scared.

  “Guys, over here!”

  Our group makes our way over to where Easton stands over a large pile of concrete, and waits for him to fill us in, but I don’t need him to because I see it.

; “It’s the cowboy hat,” I squeak with emotion. My emotion over a big faded red metal hat doesn’t make sense, but I’m a girl. I don’t have to make sense. Just look away.

  And when I tell the guys I know we shouldn’t be wasting time but this is important, and every one of them starts digging away the debris before dragging the hat over to its rightful place, I most definitely can’t hold back the tears anymore.

  When it’s done, we each admire our handy-work, taking a moment to breathe. I don’t know why this was so important, but it served more than one purpose. We’ve added some new members to our team in the last couple days. This gave us a chance to work together, to do something right and good, even if we didn’t have time for it.

  Before we leave, I take one last look at the toppled Eiffel Tower with the faded cowboy hat rested against it, and I pray one day our world can be beautiful again.

  chapter 5 - Get Your Popcorn Ready


  After we left behind all our hard work in Paris, Texas, the next few hours of the trip seemed relaxed, albeit exhausting. Maybe it wasn’t smart to waste our energy on something so trivial, but it sure felt good. It had lightened everyone’s mood, removing the metaphorical grey cloud over our heads, if only for a short time.

  When the sun set and Luke said we had to keep going, no one was happy about that. We were only an hour away from Luke’s friend’s ranch, and he wasn’t about to sleep outside if he didn’t have to. My mind agrees, but my calves want to rip Luke’s face off. The only thing getting me through is the thought of a warm bed and Luke potentially finally professing his undying love for me. And just so we’re clear, if we are interrupted again, heads will roll.

  When a brightly painted fence came into view, shimmering in the moonlight, I’d prayed this was our stop, and sure enough a few minutes later a massive two story farm house appeared on top of a hill and a rider made his way toward us.

  Wait, why the hell does he have a gun pointed at us? And this one is a whole lot bigger than the one Tommy carries. Why does the barrel need to be so long?

  “Luke, shit, I almost shot you man.” The rider lowers the barrel and gracefully dismounts his horse.

  With a chuckle, Luke makes his way over before they each reach to clasp each other’s wrists. With a quick apology and introductions, we are quickly escorted up to the house by John. Inside, it’s almost as if no time has passed since the pandemic. This house has been taken care of in the last couple decades, with glossy hardwood floors, a fresh coat of paint on the walls, and rooms full of well-polished furniture.

  As we pass through the kitchen and into the dining room, I can’t help but stop and stare at the family portrait in the hallway leading between the two. Luke’s friend is young in this picture, with his arm around a blonde haired beauty. They are out front in the field we just passed through, with the house behind them, and the woman has a toddler on her hip, an adorable blonde haired girl. They look so happy in this picture. I wonder if we’ll get to meet his wife and daughter.

  As I gaze at the happy family wishing I had a portrait of my own, I feel someone come up behind me.

  “That was a happy time.”

  I look over to see John staring lovingly at his wife and daughter. I smile at the middle aged man. He’s very attractive in the family portrait, and other than the streaks of grey I can see sticking out of his bright green hat that reads John Deere, not much has changed. Also, can I get a hat with my name on it?

  Deciding to keep that to myself, instead I ask, “Will we get to meet your wife and daughter?”

  There’s a twitch in the corner of his eye, the loving smile quickly fading away, and I immediately regret asking. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that.”

  “It’s okay, hun. My wife and daughter both got the virus.” He pauses, clearing his throat of emotion. “I lost ‘em both.”

  I take a deep breath, reaching to squeeze his arm for comfort. “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what that must have been like, but you have a beautiful family, and no doubt equally beautiful memories.”

  He nods his agreement, motioning for me to follow where I can hear the rest of our group in the dining room. “Those memories are what gets me through the day.”

  In the dining room, everyone is seated around a large dark wood dining room table. Tommy has been telling completely inappropriate jokes for the last ten minutes while we wait on John to prepare a quick dinner for us. Every one of us offered to help, but he declined, saying being alone out here isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and there isn’t anything that would make him happier than feeding a bunch of youngin’s. His word, not mine.

  Not much later, John returns with a big pot of chicken and vegetable soup, along with a light green salad with tomatoes on top and buttered rolls. Every one of us acts as if we haven’t eaten in years, filling our bowls and digging in. There isn’t much conversation at first, with everyone busy filling their stomachs, but soon Luke finds a way to bring up our trip to the Diablo HQ after explaining our escape from the church.

  “It’s been a rough few days, John. We lost Talon, and I was really hoping you might loan us some horses or give us a ride to headquarters.” He lets out a sigh, reaching for his glass of tea before taking a drink.

  John shakes his head, and I think he’ll say no. “I’m sure sorry to hear about Talon. He was a hot head,” he says on a chuckle, and Luke, Easton, and Tommy join him. “Well, it just so happens I needed to make some trades in town this week anyway. I’ll drop you kids off while I’m there.”

  The rest of dinner is filled with stories of Talon’s life, but rather than it being a somber event, it served to bring bright smiles to everyone’s face. Afterward, John showed us each to our own rooms upstairs, with the exception of Tommy who took the couch.



  When I’d woke up this morning to a knock on my door and a summons to appear before the council, I had no clue what to expect. It could have been any number of things, from getting promoted to elder, being passed over for elder, a wife assignment, or, and this was the one I was most worried about, the elders finding out about Ash being held in my guest room rather than one of the cells down in the bunker.

  Luckily, when I went before them, it was to tell me they have finally selected a wife for me, and when they told me it was Tara, I couldn’t have been more pleased. Vater Henry had explained under this unique set of circumstances, with Tara’s placement ceremony having been disrupted with the attack, they didn’t think it wise to force her to wait until the next one. Instead, they’ve scheduled it for tomorrow night. I’ll need to be there, waiting in the back hall to escort her to her room when the ceremony is complete.

  I spent the day organizing my security team, assigning new patrol shifts to cover the gaping hole on the north wall. I met with the head of the construction department, Elder Smith, to discuss some possible upgrades for the reconstruction. He hasn’t been involved in the inner goings on with Elder Thompson, but he is a good man. I’d like to think if it came down to it, he would understand everything that’s been done is in the best interest of the church. And if not, well he can be disposed of.

  Through all my work today, all I could think about was getting back to my apartment for another line of questioning with Ash Booker. Last night was just the tip of the iceberg, and as long as I can get away with keeping her in my private residence, I’m going to take advantage of it.

  Stepping through my front door, I nod toward Bryan, indicating he can take off, and he doesn’t waste any time. Setting my things down on the coffee table, I head to my bedroom to slip into something a little more comfortable. I decide on a pair of grey joggers and a plain white t-shirt. Then slipping on a pair of old tennis shoes I got last year from a trader, I slip out my bedroom door.

  Back in the main room, I decide I could use a quick drink before dealing with my next torture session, so I make my way over to the kitchenette. I never understood why the familial apartments have kitche
nettes. We don’t prepare food in them, hell, they don’t even have cooking appliances. Just a small line of three cabinets above and below a beige counter with a sink in the middle.

  I drop to my knees in front of the corner cabinet, opening the door and reaching into the far back. When my hand lands on the glass jar, I pull it out before standing and grabbing a glass from the top cabinet above it. Setting the glass on the counter, I remove the lid from the bottle and take a whiff of the moonshine I bought last month in Bonham. Dang, this stuff is stout. Pouring three, make that four fingers, and setting the bottle down, I take my first swig. Shit, this stuff is nuclear.

  Hiding the bottle back where it goes, I turn toward my guest room taking the rest of my drink with me. Maybe I’ll let Ash have a good swig. Perhaps a good buzz will make her a little more pliable.

  As I grasp the knob ready to enter, a knock sounds quietly on my front door. Son of a bitch. I have zero desire to deal with anyone else today. I make my way to the front door with the intention of telling whoever it is to go the hell away, but when I open the door, Tara stands on the other side. I can’t help the smirk that spreads across my face or the raise of my brow.

  “Tara, is everything okay?” I ask, trying to remain professional. She isn’t my wife yet, although nothing will change that. While I’m pretty sure this girl has a sneaky streak, I need to play it safe for now.

  “Can I come in, husband?” She asks with a coy smile.

  Now she and I both know this couldn’t be more against the rules, even if we are intended, but that doesn’t stop me from stepping aside and allowing her to enter. Once she’s inside, I peek my head out the door, scanning the hall for anyone who might’ve seen before stepping back inside and shutting the door.

  Turning to face her, I see she has seated herself on my counter, hands braced on the top beside her, knees parted just slightly. Damn, she’s hot. Her ebony skin is mesmerizing, with deep brown almost black eyes, plump kissable lips, and her black hair secured in pigtails framing either side of her face. Yes, I’m going to enjoy her being my wife very much.