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Living The Way (The Way Trilogy Book 1) Page 6

  “So, Shit Burger and Luke foiled their plans. I mean, I guess it’s possible.”

  That reminds me, something Ash said back in Vater Henry’s office has been bothering me. “Why did you call Luke a gang member?”

  Shaking her head,she asks, “What do you mean?”

  “Back in Vater Henry’s office, you said I was saved by a gang member, not everyone outside these walls are gang members. What made you say that?”

  “Anna, he had the tattoo. The Diablo tattoo. On his right forearm. I’m sorry, I thought you saw it.”

  I don’t even know him, but this revelation has my chest contracting, as if it’s on the verge of exploding. Luke is a member of Diablo.


  The last week has kind of been a blur. After everything that happened in Bonham, and then with Elder Thompson and Jayson both lying about it, I’ve spent most of my days wandering around feeling numb. Ash and I still aren’t one-hundred percent sure what is going on with the Church, but clearly something is. Now, how deep it goes, or how complicated it really is, to be determined. But, whatever it is, we need to figure it out and quick, my Placement is just three weeks away, and then Ash’s, three months after that.

  It’s early in the morning, still an hour before I need to be at lessons, today is child rearing. I should be focused on trying to figure out what level of underhanded shit the Church of The Way is involved in and how deep it goes, but I can’t stop thinking about Luke. Luke, a boy I’ve met one time for probably less than an hour, and yet I feel like I need him. Like he’s already mine. Yes, I know that’s ridiculous, but tell that to my brain, and my heart.

  Finding out he is a member of the Diablo gang, pretty much blew my mind. It goes against everything we have been told. Gang members are heathens, miscreants, the worst of the worst. They’re ugly, dirty, evil men, and woman, who would steal food from a baby.

  The gangs took over vast areas of land by force when governments began to crumble after the pandemic, and now, they heavily tax anyone who takes up residence on land they deem their own. Anyone who refuses or simply can’t pay, well, rape and murder are the words Elder-Wife Thompson used once, and even if you do pay, if you have something they want, they take it. Including your body.

  There is just no possible way someone like that, would rescue me. The way he spoke to me after, the way he touched my face, it just doesn’t make sense. It’s not that I don’t believe Ash about the tattoo, she wouldn’t lie about that. It’s just that, I don’t want it to be true.

  What does it matter? He’s out there and I’m in here, and I highly doubt those two facts ever change. No matter what kind of shady shit the Church is up to, my family is here, my best friend too, and it still has to be safer in here than out there. Right?

  I have moped around long enough. Oh, I still have every intention of finding out what the Church is up to, but I’m closing the door on Luke, and I have a picnic to get to.


  Outside the air is chilly enough for a coat over my yellow dress. The weather in this territory can be a whole lot of things in January. One day its seventy and sunny, the next day it’s snowing. I kind of like it that way, you never know what you’re going to get. Keeps things interesting.

  Looking around the large open area where the Elders are hosting a picnic, I don’t see Ash or anyone I know really. No matter, I’m on a mission anyway.

  Picnic tables are set up throughout the space, with families and friends laughing and enjoying the enormous spread of food. Grilled chicken, pork chops, corn on the cob, macaroni and cheese, ohhh macaroni and cheese. Okay, I might need a quick time out from my sleuthing for some of that.

  Making my way through the buffet line, I add a few other things I absolutely can’t live without, what, a girls gotta eat, and then I choose a seat near Sasha and Ali Stone, the two biggest gossips in the compound. If you want to know something, those girls are your best bet. The two sisters joined the Church back when this compound was first being built, when they were in their thirties. Neither one of them have ever been married, and they don’t have any children. From what I heard, they were both very successful attorney’s in Dallas, Texas, back before the outbreak. They could have found husbands inside the compound, but they didn’t. My mother mentioned once that Sasha is gay, and since the Church believes that marriage is between a man and a woman, if they wanted to stay here she needed to conform. If that’s true, it’s probably one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard, being alone for the rest of your life? I wonder if that’s why her sister hasn’t found a husband either, something akin to sisterly solidarity?

  On the third bite I hear the first thing from the girls that’s of interest to me. Did she just say sacrifice? Ugh, stupid people. I wish everyone would shut up so I could hear. Don’t they know I’m eavesdropping here?

  “Maybe we should consider leaving Ali.” Sasha leans in close to her sister’s ear, her next words too low for me to hear.

  Ash sits down on my left and I appreciate that she knows me so well, clearly recognizing that I’m trying to eavesdrop, and so she doesn’t say a word. I wish everyone else was as courteous.

  “I’m telling you, I know what I heard. He said they had two more girls ready to sell. That, on top of what you heard the other day, we can’t just let them get away with this.”

  Who, who can’t you let get away with this? Come on, I need more details. I scoot a few inches closer to the sisters, but they’ve stopped talking and gone back to enjoying their food.

  Ash leans in to whisper in my ear. “Did she say they were selling girls?”

  My nod of confirmation has her cursing under breath, and I can’t even enjoy my mac and cheese.


  The picnic continued late into the afternoon. Ash and I looking on in a haze, as people talked, ate, and played games. I didn’t even crack a grin when Dragon Breath fell during the sack races. I did however notice when Chase caught my eye from two tables down, and nodded toward the main barn. Is that a, look over there nod, or a follow me nod? When he stands and walks my way, brushing his hip across my back and making his way toward the barn, I assume it’s the latter.

  I don’t get up right away, instead giving it a good three minutes. I mean everyone knows that’s the first rule of sleuthing. So, after waiting the appropriate three minutes, I stand without a word, casually walking toward the back of the property. I didn’t see where Chase went since I was trying to act casual, but I doubt he went inside. There’s almost always someone working inside the barn, especially in the middle of the day, but the large, bright red building, is in the far corner of the property, with its back wall just a few feet from the east wall of the compound. It would make the most sense for him to go there, away from prying eyes. Especially if we are about to break one of the cardinal rules; no talking to boys.

  Making my way around the front of the building and confirming there’s no one there, I continue on to the back. When I turn the corner, Chase is there, resting his back on the wall, one foot propped up. He turns and gives me a smile, which I’ll be honest is kind of nice. As I said before, Chase is hot.

  A few seconds pass and I’m super impatient, so I figure I’ll be the one to break the ice. “So, you’re in love with my bestie, huh?” Yes, yes I did go there.

  I’ve never seen a fish out of water, but I imagine this is what it’s like. Chase stands there eyes wide, mouth bobbing open and close, over and over. I mean, I didn’t mean to break him, but I needed to get that out there.

  When he speaks his voice is hoarse, “I, I don’t know what you’re talking about. That isn’t what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  Smirking, I have to call him out, right? “Liar. But I’ll play along. If not about Ash, then what is so important that you, Mr. Straight Lace, is willing to break the rules?”

  “I’m not straight laced.” He rolls his eyes at my snort, because come on. “So, I guess it is kind of about Ash, but not what you think. I o
verheard something, and then the other day I saw the two of you waiting outside Vater Henry’s office, and I just wanted to see what happened.”

  Raising an eyebrow, I cut straight to the chase, “You first, what did you hear?”

  Looking around, seemingly confirming its safe, he tells me everything. “You know I work in the infirmary, under your father, right?”

  I nod, and so he continues. “Well, the other day he asked me to take some blood samples over to the lab. When I got there, Michelle Hoya, she’s in charge of the lab, well she was in her office with Elder McGee and Elder Thompson. They were. They were talking about you. And I think Ash too, although they never said her name.”

  What in the actual hell? Why would they be talking about me? I open my mouth to ask just that, but he cuts me off.

  “Elder Thompson said, I have two more girls. Anna Cress will never conform, and her friend by proxy. Then Elder McGee told him he would take care of it.” Taking a deep breath, he continues, “That’s it, that’s all I personally heard, but I think you need to talk to the Stone sisters. I overheard them talking about girls being sold, and knowing that, I’m wondering if that has anything to do with what I heard.”

  In that moment my legs give out, and I collapse in a heap on the ground. Chase follows me, sliding down the barn wall, and pulling his knees to his chest. All I can focus on is the long piece of hay he slides through his fingers, over and over again, and the fact that I can’t breathe.

  I’m not really sure how much time passes, but I’m suddenly aware of Chase’s calming words.

  “It’s okay Anna. Just breathe. Big deep breathes. You’re okay, you’re just having a panic attack.”

  “Right. I’m okay.”

  He nods, his perfectly slicked back hair losing its place for only a second, before it’s raked back into perfection.

  “I don’t know what to do,” I admit.

  “Honestly? Me either. But, I’ll help you figure it out, because you were right, I was lying. I mean, that’s not the only reason, I want to make sure you’re okay too, but I think they are going to assign Ash as my wife.”

  I nearly choke on my own spit. I swear, if that’s what ends up on my death certificate, I am coming back and haunting everyone.

  “How the fuck do you know that?”

  “Anna.” He whisper-hisses.

  Oh what, out of everything, you have a problem with me dropping the F bomb? I shrug, letting him know I do not give a damn and wait for him to explain.

  “I have access to everyone’s medical records, Anna. How do you think they decide who marries who? They don’t just draw names out of a hat.”

  Is he looking at me like I’m an idiot right now? He better not be looking at me like I’m an idiot right now.

  “Okay, I know exactly how all that works, but just so we make sure you know, explain it to me.” Good save Anna.

  Chase humors me, explaining that it’s important to the Church that husbands and wives have at least one child together, but because the Compound doesn’t house extensive medical equipment, and because they want to ensure every person here is a contributing member, not a drain on society, they need to place men and woman together who are genetically compatible. Meaning, they are doing everything in their power to avoid birth defects and disabilities. They review each person’s medical records, determining pairings sometimes years in advance.

  Who the hell am I paired with? Do I even know him, or would it be someone that’s a complete stranger? Thoughts are firing left and right, and I don’t even know where to begin with my line of questioning, so as usual, I go with what’s most important. My best friend.

  “So your medical record shows Ash, listed as your wife?”

  Shaking his head, he explains, “No. My record shows Ash is the only girl I’m genetically compatible with. At least in the current generation. It shows 4 girls I’m compatible with that are twelve-years old right now. That’s too young, they won’t leave me unmarried that long. That would mean I would be twenty-six before they were old enough to marry.”

  He’s right, I’ve never seen them wait that long to assign someone a wife. The oldest was twenty-four just last year, but he is the only one I know of that was that old. So, I’m looking at my BFF’s future hubby. Aww.

  “Just so you know, I will murder you and burn the body if you hurt my friend.”

  Chase lets out a snort-laugh combo, standing up, and then reaching down to offer me a hand.

  “I kind of need to talk to her before I could possibly hurt her, but you have my word. I promise to never hurt her.”

  “Great. Now that we’ve come to an understanding, let’s go take these mother fuckers’ down!”


  Admonishing me will get you nowhere buddy. You’ll learn, oh you’ll learn.


  For three days I have avoided my best friend like the plague. I know things about her future that she doesn’t know, and I’m not sure what to do with that information. Does one want to be surprised when they find out who their future husband is or, is that something a girl wants to know in advance? I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous when you think about it. I can’t believe I didn’t question the methods of the Church more over the years, now everything seems sketchy.

  I can understand wanting to know if two people are genetically compatible. Seriously, what if boy A and girl B have a specific gene that when combined, means they won’t be able to have children. That makes sense to me, but choosing my husband for me, forcing me to marry someone at eighteen-years old, and then mandating we have at least one child together, but no more than three, that’s not okay.

  In all the books Ash sneaks out of the backroom in the library for me, it’s always the same. Girl meets boy, boy does something chivalrous, boy kisses girl, and then they fall in love spending the rest of their lives together. Happily. Ever. After. It’s not hard people. So why in the world did the Church have to fuck it all up. What benefit is it to them?

  On top of all that, all my attempts at detective work the last few days were epic failures. I got caught twice eavesdropping on Elders and their wives. The first time dragon breath and the hag were whispering in the corner of the kitchen, and when they realized I was paying a little too much attention, Dragon Breath yelled at me to get back to work and the two Elder-Wives left the room. The second time, I stumbled across Elder McGee and Elder Thompson outside my broom closet. I told you I was claiming it.

  The two weren’t really whispering, but they did seem to be in a heated discussion. The only valuable information I got was, something about a meeting tomorrow night in the main barn. Then they caught me and sent me straight to the Enforcer.

  That is how my left hand ended up bandaged. Three lashes. For eavesdropping. Can you believe that? If they weren’t all involved in shady shit, I wouldn’t have to eavesdrop.

  Now, despite all my hard work avoiding Ash, my luck has run out. Worship service is in twenty minutes, and there is no way I can get out of it. I thought about pretending to be sick, but then I remembered my Father is a doctor, so that’s definitely not gonna work. I can’t just not sit with her, I don’t want her to think I’m mad at her. I just need to tell her and get it over with, its game time folks.


  I spot Ash just outside one of the three entrances to the Worship Auditorium, and sweet, baby Jesus. She looks pissed. Abort. Abort. Get out of here, save yourselves.

  Doing an about face, I think I’ve made a clean getaway, until I’m violently yanked back by a pigtail.

  “What the hell Anna?” She whisper-yells. “Why are you avoiding me?”

  Crap, I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but also, she is super aggressive sometimes, and I don’t want to end up in a kill the messenger situation.

  Ash has both arms crossed, tapping her foot, waiting for me to speak, when Chase walks past.

  “Hi Ash, you look pretty today.” Boys and girls aren’t supposed
to talk, but he gets away with it by holding today’s worship program up to block his face from view. Plus, there’s twenty-five hundred people out here trying to get in the auditorium for service.

  He never pauses in his steps, blending in with the rush of the crowd, leaving Ash with her jaw dropped, and me with a shit eating grin.

  “Close your mouth honey, before you catch a fly.”

  She keeps looking at me, then to where Chase disappeared through the doors, then back at me. She’s tried to say words several times, but each time it just sounds like gibberish. You know, this is the kind of shit that happens when you deprive people of contact with the opposite sex.

  Since this is clearly going to go on for a while, I grab Ash by the elbow, and steer her into the stadium style seating auditorium for worship service. We can’t talk in here. The Chase situation will have to wait.


  I spotted Chase about five minutes into the service. The auditorium has floor seating for about a thousand people, and then three upper sections. Ash and I always sit in the upper middle section. Chase is in the upper section to our right, maybe a row or two below ours. I think he’s trying to be sneaky, he keeps flashing glances toward Ash, but now I’m just actively staring at him, so he knows he’s not getting away with anything.

  Halfway through the service now, and I realize I have no idea what Vater Henry’s sermon is about today. I’ve caught a few words here and there, something about, flee the evil desires of youth.

  “Hmph” Typical.

  I cast another glance at Chase, and notice he’s openly staring at Ash, and he’s smiling. Wait, why is he smiling? Turning to my left I see why. Ash is staring back, and smiling back. Oh my God, it’s so adorable. My heart just grew three sizes.

  Ash mouths thank you, and I can only assume it’s in response to his compliment earlier. These too are going to fall in love so fast, and I am so for it.

  When service is over, Ash and I push our way through the throng of people and head back to my room. We are having a sleepover tonight, and I don’t care what the Elders think about it.