Leaving The Way: Book Two (The Way Trilogy) Page 15
He certainly had a strong will to live, I’ll give him that much. No way he would still be alive if he wasn’t fighting. And he was definitely fighting, but for what I wasn’t sure.
No one was a hundred percent on what had happened exactly. Sure we knew he had been stabbed, but why and by who, that was the part that wasn’t clear. I mean, I had a pretty good guess, but no one had actually seen David stab Vater Henry, despite that we all knew he had the motive. I had told the Vater everything David had done to Ash, and in front of two elders. Elder Thompson probably already knew, but Elder Berry didn’t, and that isn’t something he would be okay with. Especially if what he said about him being an ally was true, and I was inclined to believe he was, is. Regardless, knowing he had the motive, and seeing him do it are two different things.
After the meeting, Luke had stationed Tommy in an ally with a good viewpoint of the horses and wagon that would take the Vater, David, and everyone else back to the compound. He’d said everything seemed normal at first. He had watched them load into the wagon, and after only a few minutes they turned and headed in the direction of their home. He mentioned they seemed to be going unusually slow, but just as the last of their party was nearly out of his line of sight, he’d seen something fall over the edge of the wagon. He could just make out a lump lying on the ground, but had no idea what it was. Then once the group was completely out of sight, he had grabbed a couple men and they’d made their way out to the lump, finding Vater Henry’s bloody body.
That’s all we know at this point. We can guess all we want, but unless the Vater wakes up, we won’t know for sure. And we all know that’s unlikely.
If David did stab the Vater and leave him for dead, what’s his end game? I may have a pretty good guess as to why he did it, but I’m not sure what he had hoped to achieve. They had at least twenty-five men with them. That’s a lot of witnesses. Can David really trust every single one of them? Can he trust that they won’t go back and tell everyone inside the compound walls? That seems highly unlikely. So will he kill all the witnesses too? I doubt he could get away with killing the Vater and every witness.
And then what? He goes back to the compound and tells the council what exactly? The Vater was kidnapped, disappeared? I just can’t figure it out.
When we arrived back at the compound two days ago, I had immediately called an emergency council meeting. It had only taken an hour to gather everyone in the meeting room before I filled them in on everything that had happened. Sure a lot of the details I’d given them hadn’t been true, but I told them what they needed to know.
The first thing I had led with was that the Vater was dead. The room had immediately filled with shocked voices, some louder than others, with at least half the elders standing while demanding to know what happened. I’d told them after the meeting, the gangs attacked us trying to leave town, and the Vater had been stabbed. No sense in lying about how he died, just in case someone recovers his body.
Everyone in the room was irate at the idea the Vater had been killed by the gangs, and that’s when I’d filled in all the details about the meeting. That the gangs had demanded we dismantle the church, step down, and give them control of the compound. And that if we refused, they would not stop attacking us until the whole place was crumbled to the ground; every single one of us dead. I’d tried to make the Vater out to be a hero, telling them he had stood up, told the leaders to get bent, and stormed out. Of course not in those words.
Then once they were each riled up enough, I went in for the kill and Elder Thompson backed my story. Of course, not everyone was immediately on board with me being the new Vater. Nearly half of them outright rebuked it, but after Elder Thompson and Elder McGee supported my promotion, several of them began to settle down. I’d noticed Elder Thompson giving several of the men in his pocket knowing looks, and that seemed to get them on board as well.
We’d also discussed what would need to be done about Mutter Vera. She had yet to be told about her husband’s death, and when a new Vater was voted in, she would no longer be the Mutter. A fact that she would certainly fight.
In the end the decision was made to take a couple days, let everything settle down, and then we would come back to vote on a new Vater. In regards to the Mutter, well we were prepared to take harsh action against her. And that’s exactly what happened.
Two hours later the Mutter was brought into my office, and myself and Elder Thompson informed her of her husband’s death, as well as the cause. She didn’t doubt for a second that the gangs had killed him. Not to mention that she didn’t even shed a tear, at least not in front of us. Her first words were that she would remain Mutter, and control the church at least during the interim period. Elder Thompson and I both knew she had no intentions of it just being an interim period. So we had let her return to her room, and after we were sure everyone was asleep, two of my men had slipped into her room, drugged her, and then placed her in a cell in the bunker.
Two days later that’s still where she is, and the old bitch hasn’t stopped screaming. Walking out of the cell hall and closing the door behind me, I can still hear her demanding to be granted an audience with the council. No one has any intention of allowing that. No, for now she will stay right there, in her six by six cell, until we figure out what to do about her. I’m leaning toward a quiet death, but I’m open to suggestions.
I make my way upstairs and to my office quickly. I’m running a little behind schedule today, and I only have ten minutes to get to the council meeting. The very meeting that will hopefully confirm my status as Vater. If not, it doesn’t really matter to me, I already have a backup plan. If the vote doesn’t swing in my favor, then my men and I will take out every elder who votes against me, and I’ll take my place as head of the church by force.
After talking to Elder Thompson this morning over breakfast, I don’t think that will be necessary. He’d indicated he was confident we had the votes. All I know is he better hope we have the votes, otherwise he’ll be the first elder I take down, and I’ll make sure he suffers.
Grabbing a few papers off my desk and sneaking a quick swig of the moonshine hidden in my bottom desk drawer, I leave my office heading to the meeting room. When I arrive at the door leading into the room, Elder McGee meets me. He gives me an encouraging nod, and then the two of us enter the room one after the other. Looking around, I realize we’re the last two to arrive. That’s good, we can get this over with.
“Elders,” I bellow, grabbing everyone’s attention, “let us begin.
Each elder takes their place at the round white table, including myself, as Elder Thompson clears his throat. As the highest ranking elder, he’ll be the one to lead us today.
“Gentleman, as you know we will go around the table, and each of you will indicate a yes vote with a green paddle, and a no vote with a red paddle, with my vote last, and Elder David Taylor abstaining for obvious reasons. In addition, since Elder Berry is still missing, his vote will be an automatic yes, as is stipulated in the meeting rules. Any questions?” Looking around and seeing none, the vote begins. “Elder McGee.” Green paddle. “Elder Smith.” Red Paddle. “Elder Jameson.” Red Paddle. “Elder Cooper.” Green Paddle. “Elder Jackson.” Red Paddle. “Elder Jenkins.” Red Paddle. “Elder Clarke.” Green Paddle. “Elder Parker.” Green Paddle. With the final vote, Elder Thompson holds up a green paddle, and then claims, “The vote is in favor. It is my honor to introduce the head of the Church of The Way, Vater David Taylor.”
Making his way to me, he extends his hand to shake, and all I can think is there are four more people I need to get rid of. Four elders voting against me might not seem like a big deal to some, but that’s four men who might conspire against me in the future. There’s no way I can take that chance. I already have to deal with the fact Elder Berry is still missing. Brian has yet to find him, and he hasn’t returned to the compound. I have two men stationed in street clothes in Bonham to see if he�
��ll surface there, but so far there’s been no sign of the man.
After everyone has offered me congratulations, we sit down for my first orders as the new Vater. The issue of Mutter Vera has to be dealt with, but that isn’t the most pressing issue in my mind.
Clearing my throat, I begin, “Elders, my first request of the council is to rush my wedding to Tara Calloway.” With those words, at least two Elders begin objections, but I cut them off. “I understand that is unorthodox, however under the circumstances, I think it’s necessary. If you will, let me explain first, and then we can discuss it.” I take a moment to make eye contact with each person in the room, and when no one speaks out, I continue. “We will announce the Vater’s death tomorrow evening at service, as well as my new status. I assume we will also take that time to tell them Mutter Vera was also killed. Again, we can discuss that when I’m finished. With that said, this is a lot for the congregation to take. The death of both of their leaders, as well as a missing Elder, it’s a little much. They are losing a Vater and a Mutter. They both need to be replaced immediately. We have rightly taken care of one. I think under the circumstances, Tara and I can have a closed door ceremony tomorrow morning. That way the people will see exactly what they just lost, a Vater and a Mutter.”
Leaning back in my seat, I take a breath, giving everyone and myself a moment. No one speaks for some time, seeming to mull this idea over, and then it’s Elder Thompson who speaks first.
“That actually makes sense. What does everyone else think?” He asks, leaning across the table.
“Well, I would say if the girl is okay with a rushed ceremony then I don’t see what the issue is,” Elder McGee adds.
There is a chorus of agreement, followed by a few whispers. The only one who does not chime in is Elder Smith. That’s a pity, I really liked him. Too bad, he’ll be the first I do away with.
Once the room seems to be in agreement, Elder Thompson conducts the vote, and it’s all in favor with the exception of Elder Smith. After a few less important discussions, we decide to adjourn and table the Mutter Vera issue until after we see how the congregation takes all this news tomorrow night.
Now, all that’s left is to tell my bride.
chapter 18 - How Rude
After yesterday’s vote, I had left straight away to find Tara. I’d found her in the gardens, and pulling her into a shed nearby, I had shared the good news with her. I had never heard someone squeal so loud in all my life. Pretty sure she permanently damaged both ear drums. So, to say she was okay with it was the understatement of the year. She was more than okay with it. In fact, we had gone back to my apartment and things had gotten hot and heavy really quick, but we stopped just short of going all the way. Wouldn’t want to ruin our wedding night. Which is tonight, and it’s absolutely all I can thing about.
Our rushed wedding ceremony had been conducted first thing this morning by Elder Thompson. My bride had looked stunning in a white lacy dress set off by her shining ebony skin. She really had been glowing, and to be honest, I probably had been too. Other than being Vater of the church, Tara was the only other thing in my life that actually made me happy, and I wasn’t going to let anyone ruin that for me, or for us.
After we had each recited our vows, Elder Thompson had pronounced us man and wife, and I had most certainly kissed the bride. I can still taste her lips now as I sit behind the curtain, waiting to address the congregation for the first time as their Vater.
It was anybody’s guess at how the members would take the news. I mean, it wasn’t just one thing, it was a lot of things they would be hit with this evening. Hopefully, even those who weren’t happy with the changes, would still remain orderly. I needed everyone to stay in line because my list of people to get rid of was growing longer by the day.
Each of the elders steps past me to take their seats on the stage, and I watch from the side as Elder Thompson approaches the microphone. Tara stands to my right squeezing my hand for comfort, and I lean down to place a chaste kiss on her lips.
Hearing my name, Tara and I make our way across the stage and replace Elder Thompson as he takes his seat behind us. Taking a deep breath and never letting go of Tara’s hand, I begin.
“People of The Way, it is a sad day as I stand here before you. The news I have to tell you is great, and it will no doubt be devastating.” Pausing to scan the faces throughout the room, I see mostly curiosity, so I continue. “Just a few days ago, Vater Henry attended a meeting with several gang lords in a town not too far from here. As you well know, our beautiful compound was attacked just weeks ago, so when these gang leaders offered an opportunity for peace, he jumped at it. He did that for each and every one of you.”
Murmurs circulate the room as someone yells out, “Is the Vater okay?”
Shushing the crowd, I answer the question, “The meeting was a trick. They called us there under false pretenses, and then they attacked.” The room erupts into chaos, with the majority openly talking and yelling, asking questions I would answer if they would just wait. I see my security force closing in on the loudest members, quieting them with intimidation. Once the room settles, I continue. “The Vater did not survive the attack, nor did Mutter Vera.”
The council had agreed not to tell the people about the Mutter just yet, but I made no such promise, and what could they do now. It was already out there.
The room was getting out of control. I knew they wouldn’t take it well, but this isn’t what I had imagined. I needed to get this under control. “Everyone, please!” I bellow, waiting for them to settle. “Please, listen. You have nothing to fear. We will all grieve this great loss, but your council has your best interest in mind, they have already voted and selected me as the new Vater.” That statement quiets some, but not all. “I would also like to introduce you to my wife, the new Mutter, Tara.”
Whispers grow in volume, and once again the room erupts. Well, this isn’t good.
It had taken two hours to settle down the crowd and convince everyone to return to their rooms. Never in a million years had I anticipated that kind of a reaction. Sure I knew people would be upset about the death of the Vater and the Mutter in one fell swoop, but I hadn’t expected such a negative reaction to my being the Vater. The people had even been furious about Tara being the new Mutter. Several people had yelled out she wasn’t old enough to be the Mutter, while others had argued they knew Tara, and knew it hadn’t been three months since her placement ceremony.
In the end we had no choice but to arrest five people. Nothing like this had happened in the history of this sect. All five had been young, under the age of thirty. So from the looks of things, the older generations were much more pliable while the younger might definitely be a problem. It seemed my idea of a peaceful transition wasn’t going to be a reality.
I was now grateful for my foresight in increasing the security department because we were going to need them to keep the peace. While it wasn’t something I wanted, if I had to use force and intimidation to keep everyone in line, well then so be it.
A knock on my office door brings me back from my thoughts, and I yell for whoever it is to enter. When the door opens and Brian steps in, I let out a sigh of relief. This is the first time he’s been back to the compound since I sent him looking for Elder Berry. Sure he sent word back each day, but I still had my worries about him. I don’t have any friends in this world, but if I had to pick one it would be Brian.
“Brian, tell me you have good news.” The look on his face says I won’t be happy with what he has to say.
“Vater, unfortunately I do not. Although, I have found Elder Berry.” Brian takes his seat across from me, resting his elbows on each arm of the chair.
“Tell me how that isn’t good news.” I let out a chuckle because seriously this is the best news I’ve had all day.
He lets out a deep sigh. “He is in Bonham, as we had thought, unfortunately it’s impossible for m
e to get to him without a large force.”
“How large?” I ask, suspicion in my tone.
“I’d say fifty, at least. And you’d better expect to lose half to three-fourths of those in the fight. He’s holed up with the girl, and they’ve fortified the town since we left.”
I choke at his words. Fifty? Are you fucking kidding me? So that asshole was in league with her the whole time. That’s why he showed up to the meeting uninvited. He was just sitting on the wrong side of the table.
I feel my skin heat with the knowledge as I rise and cross the room, taking a seat in the chair next to Brian. “Tell me everything.”
And he does.
Brian spotted Elder Berry outside Hotel Bonham for the first time this afternoon. Only he wasn’t alone, he and Anna Cress, along with that damn boy and the bodyguard, sat with him. He watched them for over an hour as they huddled together talking animatedly, and then knowing he couldn’t get to the elder under those circumstances, he chose to return to the compound and report back to me.
After he’d finished giving me all the details, we discussed what could be done, but unfortunately we were both at a loss, at least for now. So I’d sent Brian to get some rest, and I decided to take my own advice as well.
It was my wedding night after all. And despite everything shitty that’s happened this week, I had every intention of enjoying my wife tonight. In fact, I planned to enjoy her all night and into tomorrow.
Well, the Vater is still breathing. He hasn’t woken up yet, but the fact that he’s still alive at all is saying something. Even Emily said at lunch today his color is better, and instead of a ten percent chance, she now gives him a sixty-forty chance at surviving. Maybe forty doesn’t seem like a lot, but it’s better than ten.
I’m not sure what happens when he wakes up though. Does he go back to the compound? Back to being the Vater? There’s no doubt in any of our minds that David tried to kill him, otherwise surely they would have come looking for him. Right? I mean it doesn’t really matter until he wakes up, but I can’t help but think about it. Constantly.