Leaving The Way: Book Two (The Way Trilogy) Page 16
On top of that we had a visitor today. Elder Berry had shown up at the hotel after supposedly being in hiding since just moments after the meeting. He wouldn’t tell anyone where he had been or who he’d been with, but none the less he’s here now, and under the protection of Diablo. I guess Mateo figures, sure we’ll protect you from the evil wizard known as David, and you provide us with all the inside information on the church. Actually, that seems like a fair trade.
A pounding sounds to my left, shaking me from my thoughts and I turn to see Mateo beating his mug on the table, seemingly to garner everyone’s attention. Leaning back in my chair to rest my head against Luke’s arm draped across the back, I wait to see what this is about.
“Let’s get to it. Elder Berry joining us has provided some invaluable insight, namely who in the church doesn’t support David. On top of that we received some additional intel today that indicates not only has David married, but he is also the new Vater. However, it seems a large chunk of their population was not too happy about it.” He stops to take two swallows from his mug, and then adds, “We need to use that to our advantage.”
Luke leans forward causing me to lose my head rest and I am not having it. Before he can speak, I grab his shirt, pulling him back and forcing his arm behind my head.
I mean, how rude.
With a chuckle, he picks me up before placing me in his lap and giving me an even bigger headrest, his chest. Ahh, this is the life.
“Elder Berry…”
Before he can finish the elder cuts in, “It’s just Berry now, son.”
With a nod, Luke continues, “Berry, which elders will not side with David?"
Scratching his chin before squinting his eyes, he says, “Well for sure Elders Smith, Jackson, and Jameson. That leaves Elder Jenkins. In my mind, he’s questionable. Up in the air if you will. He is very set in his ways, but has never involved himself in the side businesses as Elders McGee and Thompson do. Yet, he has never spoken out against it either. He just kind of keeps to himself, not sure he’s one to partake in a revolution.”
Luke nods which disrupts my pillow, and I grunt as I say, “Still, even three is good. We can work with that. David is the Vater now, and we need to make our move while at least some of the members are unhappy with that fact.”
“I agree with Anna,” Lord Paul chimes in from near the bar.
There’s a chorus of agreements around the room before Mateo adds, “We need to bring everyone here. My men from Greenville, and your men as well, Paul.” He looks to Lord Paul, nodding, before continuing. “It would sure be helpful if he we had the Osage here right about now, maybe even the Republic.”
That’s something we can all agree on, but there’s not much we can do about it now. We could send a letter to each of them, but I think if they planned to join us, they would have. No, I think we are on our own in this. We need to take the resources we have between Diablo and the Titans and finish this.
chapter 19 - Anna’s Got Her Groove Back
The last week has been hectic to say the least. Mateo sent an order to Greenville calling on every able bodied man and woman to make their way to Bonham. The following day Lord Paul sent out a similar order to his main base camp. Lord Paul had not given his men and woman a choice. Apparently, when he calls on them to come, they come or else. Mateo on the other hand gave his people the choice. If it was me, I would be far more likely to fight beside a leader I chose to fight with, than one who forced me, but to each his own.
If every person from both gangs that was called on comes, we will end up with about three-hundred and fifty fighters. That includes those of us that are already here. That many would probably be fine if we were walking into a battle in the middle of an open field, but that isn’t the case. Instead, we have to fight our way through the walls of the compound. Meaning we will literally be beating our heads against the wall, losing many of our fighters before we even break in. That is, unless we find an easier way in.
When the Titans attacked the compound weeks ago, the council had not been expecting it, including David, but now they had already upped their security force and reinforced their north and south walls. Right now we had a man inside, and Chase had been communicating with him all week. Andy. When Chase met with him last night he’d said David had increased their security department to two-hundred and fifty men, and there was talk of adding another fifty. He’d also mentioned they adjusted their perimeter checks, added archers to the turrets, and a few other things I didn’t understand, but Luke and the others had seemed to.
With our new knowledge, Mateo and Paul had made a few adjustments on our end, and they had even fortified the town of Bonham just in case David tried to attack us before we attacked them.
With everything we had learned, and all the planning that had been done in the last few days, all we could do now was wait. Until all our forces arrive, and we know for sure what our numbers look like, we can’t do much else. Did I mention I hate waiting?
I wanna attack right now, this second, when they least expect it. For every day that we wait, David and the church are better prepared to fend us off, better prepared to win. And what then? What happens if they do win? Do we step back, regroup, and attack again? And again, and again, and again, until every last one of us is dead?
I don’t know if I have it in me, and to think even if we do win, overthrowing David, then taking control of the compound, it isn’t over. No, we still have what might be an even bigger threat to deal with. Vater Roger. Right now, I don’t think we can win the bigger picture. We know we will lose good men and women fighting David, and then we’re just expected to traipse around the countryside taking down every single compound? It’s too much.
Luke says I need to not think about the bigger picture right now. That I need to focus on one thing at a time. Easy for him to say, that’s just not how my brain works. It’s not how it’s worked for the last week, and it’s not how it’s worked for my whole life.
Everything just plays on a loop, which is why it’s noon, and I haven’t even gotten out of bed yet. I just keep laying here thinking that this time will be the time I figure it all out, but each time it all plays out the same. David destroys every last one of us, and I have to watch as he kills everyone I love.
A knock at the door sounds pulling me from my thoughts, and I call for them to come in, only no one does. “Hello! I said…COME. IN.” I wait, and still nothing. If this is someone doing this shit to get me out of bed, I swear heads will roll.
Rolling off the bed and landing on my hands and knees, I crawl to the door before opening it. Flopping out like a fish, I look up to see the General’s face staring down at me with a confused smirk.
“Get up, you look ridiculous,” he says, grabbing me under the arms and dragging me to my feet. “Everyone else is busting their asses while you lay in bed pouting. Suck it up.” And with that, he turns, leaving me standing there feeling like a complete ass.
Honestly, he’s right and I know it. Everyone is hard at work preparing to fight the church for me while I pout. Okay maybe not for me, but at least partially for me. Also, I’m the one that said this had to be done. I’m the one that said we had to destroy the church, that we had to stop them from selling girls and stealing supplies. That was me. Sure everyone agrees, but when we left the compound that was legitimately Team Samurai Sparkle’s mission statement.
Hmm, I kinda like that one. I wish Ash was here so I could get her input.
I’m sure she’s heard about Mateo’s orders by now, but to be honest, I highly doubt she or Chase come, and Cody is a strong maybe. Maybe that’s for the better because after everything David did to her, I don’t want him near her ever again. Yes, this is definitely for the best.
Now, thanks to the General, who lit a fire under my ass, I’m feeling a little more like my old self. I need to get downstairs and help, even if I can’t help, I need to at least be present.
But first a shower, because I am ripe.
After a very long, very relaxing shower, I had gotten dressed for the first time in a couple days. I had even called Brea in and she’d helped me with my hair and makeup. So when I came downstairs to cat calls and whistles, I was really feeling myself.
“Dang, Little Minx, you look hot.” Luke makes his way over to where I stand at the bottom of the stairs giving me a very intense hello kiss.
“That’s right, Anna’s got her groove back,” I say loud enough for the entire room to hear, and I’m not even embarrassed when I realize absolutely everyone is in the room. Even Elder Berry and Lord Paul sit in stools facing me with their backs to the bar.
There are a few chuckles and a snort I recognize. Wait, I recognized that snort. My head searches the room, desperate to find the snorter. And there, sitting at a table near one of the front windows is the white to my rice.
I let out a shrill shriek, and then it’s off to the races, folks. Tackling my bestie to the ground we both roll, and I’ll admit I may have just broken a rib but it was so worth it.
“Oh my God, why did no one tell me you were here?” I shriek.
“For the record, I did come to get you,” the General standing a few feet away says with an annoyed look on his face.
Ash lets out a giggle as she tries to push me off her. “Get your big ass off me. I can’t breathe!”
I definitely don’t want her to die, so I roll over on my back as Brea yells for me to not mess up her masterpiece. Oh yeah, I had forgotten I was in full hair and makeup today.
Ash and I both sit up before Chase helps her to her feet and Luke helps me to mine. We both stand facing one another, with each of our men behind us, arms wrapped around us lovingly. We both got so lucky. I feel the need to draw attention to this.
“Do you realize how lucky we are?” Ash looks confused because sure, we have been through a lot of crap, and from outside looking in that might seem unlucky. “I just mean, in the middle of all this horrible shit you found Chase, and I found Luke. I just feel pretty lucky.”
Ash beams a smile as she leans back to stare up at her man. He places a kiss on her cheek as Luke leans down and does the same to me.
Before Luke leans back, he brushes his lips across my ear whispering, “We haven’t spent enough time together lately, Little Minx. So, will you go out with me? On a date, I mean.”
I’m truly surprised by his words, and even more surprised when I realize we haven’t ever really been on a date. Sure we have spent plenty of time together alone, but not like a date. We just kind of went straight from being strangers to being in love. There was no in between for us, so I find his words sending an intense feeling of giddiness all the way down to my toes as I nod my head and accept his invitation.
“Guys!” Our sweet moment is rudely interrupted when Easton runs in the room yelling for everyone’s attention. “You aren’t gonna believe this but…he’s awake.”
It doesn’t register at first what he’s talking about, but then it dawns on me. The Vater.
Luke and I both rush upstairs as I hear other footsteps behind us. He and I are the first ones to enter the room, and sure enough the Vater’s eyes are open, albeit glassy and bloodshot. But still, he is awake, which means we could have some answers soon.
I take a seat in the chair beside the bed as the Vater’s eyes track my movements. So he’s with it enough to recognize a threat. Good. I am a threat to him. He should be scared of me, and everyone else standing around the room.
Looking around I see that Ash and Chase haven’t made it up here yet, or possibly they aren’t coming at all. Mateo, Daniel, and Lord Paul are on the opposite side of the bed as me. Luke stands behind me, and then closer to the foot of the bed stands Easton, Tommy, and of course the General with his arms crossed, giving the Vater a death glare.
No one says a word, they all either stare at me or the Vater, so I take that as my cue. “Vater, can you talk?”
He opens his mouth, and sound comes out but most certainly not any language I’ve ever heard. Maybe he needs some water. He has been in a coma for a week.
Standing, I make my way over to the dresser where there’s a pitcher of water and four glasses. Pouring one, I return to the bedside as Luke helps the Vater sit up. I tip the glass slowly to his lips careful not to spill. He takes a few tentative sips, and then a few bigger ones before leaning back.
He takes a few minutes before trying to speak again, but still his voice is too hoarse to make anything out. I try to be patient, but it’s just so hard. Getting up, I pace around the room for what seems like forever as the Vater continues his attempts at making his voice work. Finally, I give up, plopping down on the bed beside him and deciding we are going to go with yes or no questions. Surely he can nod his head, right?
“Okay Vater, yes or no questions, answer with a nod or a shake. Got it?” Crossing my legs under me, I wait for his nod of confirmation, thinking about what to go with first. “Who stabbed you? Oh sorry, right, yes or no. Okay, did David stab you?” That was a nod. Great, maybe we can get somewhere with this. I look to Mateo as he scratches his chin, nodding his head in my direction. “Did he try to kill you because you knew about Ash?” Another nod. “Did he hurt anyone else, like Elder Thompson?” He shakes his head no. So he only went after the Vater, which means he wasn’t worried about the elder. Turning to Mateo, I ask “Is there anything else I should be asking?”
Mateo seems to really thing about that, and then shrugging his shoulders he says, “Honestly, without him being able to talk, I don’t know. I’d like to know who’s side he’s on now that David tried to kill him, Elder Thompson helped him cover it up, and now they’ve taken over the compound.”
Looking away from Mateo and back to the Vater, I see he’s pointing at me, although I’m not sure why. Me what?
From behind me, I hear the General say, “I think he’s answering Mateo’s question. Which side he’s on. He’s saying he’s on your side.” With that the Vater nods his head in the affirmative.
“But how can we trust you?” I realize that isn’t a yes or no question, but it needs to be said. So what, David tries to kill him and now he helps us take David down. Then what? Does he take his place back as the Vater and everything goes back to normal? That kind of defeats the purpose of what we are trying to do here.
The Vater tries to speak again, but it’s clear it isn’t going to happen today. Maybe in a few hours or even tomorrow he’ll be able to communicate better, but for now, I think we’re done here.
It had been pretty disheartening when the Vater woke but was unable to really communicate with us. My patience level just can’t deal with stuff like that. I need all the answers to all the problems right now, not tomorrow. I keep telling myself to be grateful that he woke at all, and I am, trust me. It helps that we now know for sure David was responsible for his near death, and I guess it even helps to know that at least for now, he says he’s on our side. It would certainly be helpful having his insider knowledge before we go in guns blazing, but we really already have that with Elder Berry, or I guess just Berry now. So I’m not sure what we need Vater Henry for really.
Well for now it doesn’t matter, and I am not going to think about it again until tomorrow because tonight is, wait for it…drum roll…date night. Whoo-hoo.
I had already gotten dolled up earlier today, but just to be safe I called in the big guns. Not only had Brea come, but so had Camila and Ash. All three of the girls had fussed and fawned all over me until I have to admit, I look pretty freaking amazing.
After redoing my make-up into a more, in Brea’s words, fierce look, Camila had added a few extra curls before fixing my hair in a twisted up do with a fishtail braid that swept around from just above my ear and pinned somewhere in the back. Then Brea and Camila had both ran to their rooms before returning with my outfit for the night. Brea had loaned me an ungodly short mini skirt that barely covered my butt, and whil
e it was a jean material, the color was black with a few distressed and faded areas along the edges and pockets. Camila had brought an oversized white sweater with tiny little holes you could see my skin through. I had argued about that, asking if anyone had a tank top I could borrow, but everyone had said no. Then when the girls noticed the bra I wore was old and tattered in a dirty brown color, Camila who is about the same size as me had ran back to her room before returning with a bright red, lacy bra. You could totally see it through my sweater, but everyone said it looked hot, so I let it go. Last but not least, Ash had held me down while Brea forced me back into her black high heels with the red bottoms. I really didn’t want to bust my ass on date night, but none of them seemed to care.
When I was completely dressed, Camila had sprayed a fine mist of perfume on my wrists and neck, and I had to admit it smelled amazing, like the rain. Then those hookers made me walk the room back and forth, forcing me to do a spin at each wall. It was like I was on a cat walk, hoots and whistles and all. It got so loud at one point, Chase came into make sure we were okay.
And then they left me, in mine and Luke’s room, alone. I don’t really know the protocol here. Am I supposed to go find him now that I’m ready?
A knock sounds at the door as I stop my nervous pacing and cross the room. Why am I nervous? This is Luke for goodness sake. I mean, we sleep in the same bed together every night. Reaching for the knob, I pause. I am way too worked up; I need to calm the hell down.
I take a minute to breathe. In through the mouth and out through the nose. That’s how you’re supposed to do it, right? Well, I do that three more times, closing my eyes and trying to relax, and then I open the door. And oh my…
He is the most handsome man I have ever seen, and he’s mine. I’ve seen Luke in dress pants before, but nothing like this. Luke wears a deep navy blue suit with a bright white shirt underneath and dark tan leather dress shoes. I’m not sure where he got something so nice, but wow. His hair is slicked back with the sides looking freshly shaved, and he smells like I want to eat him. Mmmm.