Living The Way (The Way Trilogy Book 1) Read online

Page 4

  Ash, who has been mute up to this point, snorts and smacks me in the back of the head. “It’s liquor, idiot.”

  Yup, I deserved that, but how was I supposed to know anything about liquor. We don’t have any at the compound. Plus, do you know how long it’s been since the companies like that went out of business, nearly two decades. How would I know they still had bottles of that stuff?

  “Naw, she ain’t no idiot. I’s just messin’ with ya’ll. Knew ya wouldn’ know nothin’ bout liquor.” She chuckles once more, before introducing herself. “Emily,” she says with a big grin, before thrusting a hand across the counter to shake. Ash and I both return the gesture, and Emily turns her back to us, pulling a big jug of what I recognize as Lemonade out from under the back counter, before pouring us two glasses. Setting a glass down in front of each of us, she slides the two coins back towards me.

  “Is on tha house, sweeties.” Emily leaves us with that, as she moves on to tend the rest of her customers.

  Ash reaches for her glass first, and then pulls her hand back quickly, before speaking for only the second time since we walked in. “It’s cold. I didn’t think anyone had electricity outside of the compounds.”

  Reaching for my glass, I confirm what she’s saying. “That looked like a miniature fridge down there. There’s no lights on in here, so I don’t think the building has power, but maybe she has some sort of small power source just for that fridge. Like the generator in the green house back at the Compound.”

  I take the first swig, and oh yes, that is exactly how I remembered Lemonade. Maybe better. Ash follows suit, and before long we are laughing, and joking about the liquor/sex confusion. “I mean honestly, anyone could have made that mistake, and you really don’t have any room to talk Ash. You went completely mute on me.”

  She giggles, bumping my shoulder, and I realize this is the most fun I have had in a really long time.

  I should have known better.


  So here I was, sitting here minding my own business, enjoying some lemonade with my bestie, when this asshole decided to fuck with me, and God does he smell. Also, I only counted four teeth and two of those were solid black. I should probably be more afraid right now, but instead I’m feeling braver than normal. Even though I am not afraid, at all, I do a quick scan for Jayson. Where is that asshole?

  “You deaf, girlie?”

  It’s official ladies and gentleman, we have a new Dragon Breath Champion. Somebody get this man a breath mint.

  Just minutes ago, this jackass leaned on the counter to my right, brushes his crotch on my thigh, and asks me how much. Pretty sure that’s brothel lingo for sex. Also, do I look like the type of girl that would even so much as breath the same air as this ass clown. That’s when he asked me if I was deaf, which oddly, is the thing that pushed me over the edge.

  I jump down off the stool, and step back a good foot because…space. It’s important. I vaguely hear Ash say my name, but there’s no time for it, I’m in the zone.

  “Listen buddy, I don’t know who you think you are, but I am not the kind of girl you can just rub your crotch on.”

  Clearly this guy is not used to being turned down, which is shocking, because have you seen him? In a flash he is back in my face, grabbing my arm and squeezing. That’s definitely gonna leave a mark.

  “You lil bitch.” Before I know it, he’s dragging me away from Ash and through the crowd of patrons.

  I hear Ash yelling behind me, but can’t make out what she saying over the din. One of my black flats goes flying off, as I trip over a dark skinned man chugging a mug of yellow liquid, while three other men chant and cheer. I frantically search once more for Jayson, because I’ll admit, I’m sort of freaking out, and I’m slightly concerned why a room full of men don’t seem a bit concerned with this dirty old man, dragging a teenage girl through a bar toward the stairs, that no doubt lead upstairs to rooms for rent.

  I’m genuinely fighting back at this point; pushing and pulling, using my free hand to yank at one of three tufts of hair on the back of his head. I scream for help, but only one person even bothers to look up, then he too turns the other way.

  It’s becoming extremely evident that the real world is just as bad as the Church preaches. That out here, the strong control the weak instead of protecting them. I’m slowly realizing that I am just moments away from being raped. Just like the woman in the woods. Maybe this is God punishing me for failing to protect her. Of course, I know I was just a thirteen-year-old girl up against two burly men, but I should have done something. Instead, I ran away like a coward, and now here I am about to suffer the same fate.

  As we reach the bottom of the stairs, I flash one last look over my shoulder at Ash. She’s crying. Big tears streaking down her face, as she frantically looks around for help. She won’t find any in here. Hell, with her little frame, she hasn’t even been able to push her way through the crowd of what I now realize are drunk men. Halfway across the room, she tries desperately to push past the dark skinned man still chugging his drink, but it’s no use.

  She needs to go before she finds herself in the same situation I’m in. I know she probably won’t be able to hear me, but I yell anyway, “Go. Get out of here Ash.” With a resigned smile, I turn back around, and stumble up the stairs behind the new Dragon Breath.


  If you think I’m giving up, you’ve lost your damn mind. Not even close. I just realized I was wasting my energy down there, crammed in between all those sweaty bodies. Now, I just need to take a few deep breathes, get my baring’s and focus.

  I will not lose my virginity to this piece of shit.

  There are just as many bodies upstairs. Men and woman in all sorts of undress, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out this really is a brothel. In the last ten seconds, as I was drug down the hall toward an open doorway, I have seen way too many boobs. Those, those right there, no way those are real.

  The hardwood floors of the second floor are lined with a lovely strip of what I think use to be royal blue carpet down the center. Of course I realize, that I shouldn’t be admiring the décor right now, but we all know how easily I get sidetracked.

  There’s a loud slap, followed by a deep burn on my right ass cheek, and I turn to see a shit eating grin on the face of the dark skinned man from downstairs. How did he get up here so fast, and also what the fuck? How dare he.

  Just as I’m about to give this brute a piece of my mind, the left side of my body is slammed into a door frame, as my asshole attacker and I go tumbling into the bedroom. Yanking me in further, he slams the door before turning a toothless grin on me. Well, he seems happy with himself.

  Now my hands are free, and there’s a good two feet of space between me and toothless. If there was ever a time for me to take control of the situation, this is it. Stepping back another foot for good measure, I do a quick survey of my surroundings.

  Shit face has his back to the door, and to his left is a tall mahogany chest of drawers. On top are few little trinkets, but nothing that makes sense as a weapon. I mean, I’ll take just about anything in a bind, but I think we can do better. To his right is a bare wall, with the exception of an oil painting of two men and a woman totally nude and going at it. Another step back, and my ankle smashes into something hard. I risk it, taking a furtive glance over my shoulder, to see it’s a pretty fancy four poster bed I’ve just run into.

  No, no, no. I do not want to be near the bed. Side stepping, I skirt to the side walking backwards until my back hits the wall, knowing there is a really good chance there’ll be a bed side table with a lamp. Even though Hotel Bonham doesn’t have electricity, it seems Emily likes her antique furniture, and I’m counting on her loving appearances even more.

  Shit stain, takes a jeering step toward my side of the room just as my hand lands on, yes! A lamp. I quickly mental high five with myself, and then with both hands I yank the beautiful canary yellow porcelain lamp from its perch
on the bed side table, and prepare for battle.

  Except that battle never comes. At least not with me.

  The door behind fuck face flies open, and a blinding mop of platinum hair comes barging into the room guns blazing. Okay, not literal guns. Not the kind with bullets, but you know, the kind that makes a girl go weak in the knees. Like, here’s a ticket to the gun show. Ha, my father used to say that all the time. Dad jokes.

  Platinum, snatches ball sack by the back of his greasy shirt, slamming him up against the wall, and then he’s wailing on him. I’ll be honest, I have never been so turned on in my entire life. I’m pretty sure my ovaries just exploded.

  One, two, three more good hits to the face and douche canoe goes limp, sagging to the floor in a heap. I have to look away as blood pours from his nose and mouth, but I hear my future husband throw a final kick to the pile of shit on the floor, as evidenced by a terrible grunt of pain.

  When he turns around, I’m still holding my lamp. What? It’s mine. I’m keeping it.

  So, I’d like to tell you that I said something really cool, or even sexy, but that would be a lie. “I had a lamp.”

  That is what came out of my mouth, and honestly, I cannot be blamed, because the creature standing in front of me can’t possibly be from Earth. The shock of platinum hair, long and wavy on top is only just the beginning. Shockingly blue eyes stare back at me, while I take my fill. Can a man be pretty? I mean, it’s kind of unfair. He is definitely prettier than me. I didn’t even know eyebrows could be sexy, and yet here we are. His cheek bones could cut glass, his nose is perfectly shaped, and damn. If you thought two dimples was sexy, you have most definitely not seen someone with just one. On his right cheek is the sexiest dimple I have ever seen. Is it weird that I want to lick it?

  He laughs, and damn if it’s not perfect too, except I’m not really sure what we’re laughing about until he speaks. “Let’s get you out of here, and then we can talk about licking my dimple later.”

  Son of a bitch, are you serious? I said that out loud? Just so we’re clear, I ask, “So, I said that out loud?”

  With a laugh and a nod, my new boyfriend makes his way toward me, and my lamp. This close I can smell him, and I’m not even ashamed to say I took a big whiff. Boys do not smell good, but this is not a boy, this is a man. My man. Back off, I already claimed him. He smells of cinnamon, and maybe faintly like bonfire. Did I mention cinnamon is my new favorite smell?

  It vaguely registers that he’s trying to take my lamp from me, and I honestly don’t know why I’m so attached to it. Shit, I think I’m in shock. I feel the tears starting to well up, and I do my best to will them back. You cannot break down in front of this perfect specimen Anna. Get it together. But the adrenaline must be wearing off, and suddenly I’m exhausted.

  He reaches a hand up to caress my face. “Shh, you’re okay. I promise I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”

  He crushes me into his hard chest, and despite my current emotional state I feel completely safe. Deep down there is something about this moment, with this man, a perfect stranger with his arms around me, rubbing circles on my lower back with his thumb. I could live here in his embrace. Never, have I ever, felt so at peace.

  Of course, my best friend takes this moment to burst through the door screaming like a banshee. I barely have time to push him out of the way, before she can hit him over the back of the head with a candlestick. That’s right, my best friend, found a candlestick, and planned to use it to defend my honor.

  “Ash, stop! It’s okay. I’m okay.” I take a deep breath, because I think I needed to hear that just as much as she did.

  Her eyes are flashing back and forth between the two of us, unsure if the danger is really over. “Okay, then who the hell is this?”

  God I love this woman. I can’t help the giggle that escapes my lips, because in that moment I realize I have no idea how to answer that question. Luckily, I don’t have to.

  “Luke. Luke Tobin. And I really should get you two out of here.”


  After being rushed out of Hotel Bonham, down an alley and back to the outskirts of town, we finally pause for a break. No one even payed us any mind on the first floor of the Hotel, in fact, several men nodded at Luke, one even giving him a friendly slap on the back. So clearly, he’s a regular there; in a brothel. My future husband is a regular at a brothel. It’s a restaurant and a bar too Anna. Settle down.

  It was kind of a mad dash out of there though, so this brief respite is much needed. I take a moment to check on myself. I mean, I was viciously attacked, drug through a seedy brothel, and nearly raped. Physically, I think I’m fine. Mentally? Emotionally? The jury’s still out.

  Ash collapses next to me and lets out a sigh of relief. “Okay, now what?”

  It’s not me, but Luke who answers her question, “Simple. I get you two back to your wagon. I’ll wait nearby, make sure no one messes with you, and once your Elder returns, you’ll go back home.” He pauses to look at me, waiting to see what I’ll say.

  Only, I’m not really sure what to say. This is my chance isn’t it? To leave the Church. My chance to avoid my Placement. I look away from Luke, turning my back on him, and taking a moment to process.

  What am I processing exactly? Have I ever really thought about leaving the church? Granted, I am pretty convinced there’s weird shit going on high up in the Church, at least locally. Maybe the Church as a whole isn’t bad, but at least at my compound, something isn’t right. On top of that, for all the warnings we receive about the people outside the walls, for all the cautioning in Sunday sermons and weekly lessons about the Gangs and Gang Lords, Elder Thompson not only brought us here, but then left us to our own devices. And Jayson, don’t even get me started on Jayson. Elder Thompson told him to watch over us, and within minutes he was just gone. Where is he now?

  Regardless of what Jayson did or didn’t do, regardless of Elder Thompson’s reasoning for bringing us here and then sending us into a brothel, and despite the fact that I’ve known since I was thirteen that I don’t love the Church as I should, have I ever really thought about it on a level of leaving?

  We’ve only been outside the safety of the compound for a few hours, and look at what all has happened. Sure, we have met a couple decent people. Sure, things seem quite a bit more civilized, at least in this town, especially given the Church has everyone convinced the people living on their own, outside the Church’s walls, are a combination of cave men and wild west outlaws. Let it be known, I haven’t seen a single duel since we got to town. A brothel being the premier business in town is a little concerning, but people do have to make a living anyway they can. I just don’t like that clearly; Emily isn’t policing the business. Otherwise, that crap head wouldn’t have thought he could get away with what he did.

  Ash will never leave the Compound. She’s a spitfire all right, but I don’t think she has it in her to leave the perceived safety of the Church, not to mention her brother.

  My thoughts are interrupted by a warm firm hand on my lower back, and a whisper in my ear, “You do wanna go back, don’t you Little Minx?”

  A shiver racks my body, as the nickname caresses my ear. This relationship is moving fast, we’re already at nicknames. Wait, “You don’t even know my name.”

  Leaning away, Luke steps back and I feel the loss of his warmth deeply. He lets out a cute chuckle before confessing, “True. Thus the reason for the nickname.”

  “Anna. My name is Anna. And how do you know me well enough to call me a minx?” It’s not said defensively, or as an accusation, more curiosity.

  “I don’t know. I guess, between the strawberry blonde hair, your firecracker attitude” he pauses, seeming to think through his next words carefully. But with a grin, his words have me blushing. “Plus, you might be one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen.”

  Holy guacamole. Settle down ovaries.

  “Yeah, I’m Ash, and I’m still here.”

Luke lets out a warm laugh, and I roll my eyes. Isn’t your best friend supposed to be your wing-man, or as it is, wing-woman? No that sounds weird, side kick? Co-pilot? Okay, I’ll stop.

  Noticing the sun is far in the west now, I realize we need to get back to the wagon. I may leave the church eventually, but today is not that day. “Luke, we should get back to our wagon, surely Elder Thompson wouldn’t leave us, but I’m not willing to take that risk.”

  Was that a flicker of sadness on his face?


  Just 20 minutes later we’ve made it around the other side of the main strip, and stand a few feet from the wagon. The wagon, that might I add is empty. I guess its plausible they are out looking for us, and it’s not like we have much of a choice but to wait.

  Ash climbs into her seat in the back and politely gives us some privacy, while I nervously scrape my toe through the sandy dirt. My bare toe by the way, since there is no telling where that shoe is. I’m sporting one shoe right now, trying to set a trend.

  I’m not sure what I’m nervous about. For all my daydreaming that Luke is the man of my dreams, it isn’t reality. He lives out here, and I, well at least for now, I belong behind the walls of the Church. As of now, I’m at least sixty percent sure the Church is the lesser of two evils, and it’s not like I can just take Luke with me.

  Wait, can I? Take Luke with me I mean. The Church takes in people looking for safety all the time. Granted, not so much in recent years, but still, it does happen. But how do I word this invitation and not look like a stalker?

  The best way I know how, by fumbling around like an idiot. “So, um. Thank you for saving me today.” I take a second to breathe, not wanting to sound too eager when I ask him to move to the Compound, conform to The Way, be my husband, and make lots of babies with me. Clearing my throat, I continue, “You know, the Church still takes people in. It’s kind of crazy out here, so if you want, I’m sure Elder Thompson would take you back with us.” The ball’s in his court, it is what it is. Plus, we just met, meaning I probably just made this super awkward.