Living The Way (The Way Trilogy Book 1) Read online

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  Rubbing the back of his head he seems almost uncomfortable, and the longer he remains quiet, the more I feel like I have totally misread this situation. Maybe he tells all the girls they are the most beautiful creatures he’s ever seen. Maybe he was in that brothel paying for sex, and he’s actually a creep. Beautiful people can be creeps too, it’s just, that wasn’t the vibe I was picking up.

  When he speaks, I know he won’t be coming back with us. “Um, yeah, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I don’t think I would fit in there.” He looks to Ash, and then back to me, before placing his body between us. “I’m not exactly without sin.”

  Ha, you and me both buddy. Of course, I don’t tell him that, instead I go with, “Oh, you mean the fact that you were in a brothel?” Is that a hint of jealousy I detect in you Anna?

  His beautiful face fills with mirth, and he raises his hand to cup my chin. “Is that what you think Anna? That I was paying some random girl to have sex with me?”

  “Is that what you were doing?” Deep down I need to hear the truth from him, and I don’t even know why. But the truth isn’t in the cards for me today, because we both notice the group of men rounding the corner.

  Elder Thompson leads, with three men shortly behind him, and fucking Jayson bringing up the rear. Luke quickly drops his hand from my chin, placing both behind his back, and turning to face the men. This could be bad; did they see him touching me? Clearly it’s obvious we were talking, which is a big no-no, but touching? I could be in deep shit and so could he.

  The Elder doesn’t look angry when he reaches my side. In fact, I’m not really sure how to describe it, but something about the way he looks and stands, has him almost seeming, surprised. Is he surprised to see me, or surprised to see Luke?

  Luke clears his throat and I know he’s about to try to explain, but I can’t let that happen, so I cut him off, “Elder Thompson, Ash and I got turned around when we left Hotel Bonham, and we couldn’t seem to find Jayson.” Giving the man in question the evil eye, I continue, “This nice young gentleman assisted our return to the wagon, where he graciously offered to wait with us until your return.”

  “I’ll bet he did.” Elder Thompson rakes his gaze over Luke from head to toe seeming suspicious. I guess that makes sense. Two young teenage girls, one super sexy probably teenage boy. Probably unlikely that Elder Thompson would think Luke sexy but, whatever.

  Luke doesn’t seem to mind his suspicion, or the death glares he’s getting from the other four men. He even remains confident as he speaks, “Yes. Well, I should be going. I only wanted to ensure the ladies were safe, and now I have business of my own to attend to.” Luke extends his hand to the Elder, but the gesture isn’t returned. “Right. Well ladies, safe travels.” He gives a respectful nod to Ash and I in turn, before heading back toward town.

  Why does my chest hurt? I’m fairly confident that’s the last I’ll see of Luke, and I’m not sure how to feel about that.


  Not a word was spoken in the hour that passed heading back home. Only five minutes into the return trip, Ash discreetly clasped our hands, but we didn’t dare speak. Now, as we dismount from the wagon just outside the main barn, there’s an air of fear between Ash and I both. I’m not sure what we would be in trouble for, but the uncomfortable silence on the way home, and now still, as we wait to be directed inside, is unnerving. I try to catch Ash’s eye, but she seems to be lost in her own little world.

  “Follow me children. This issue needs to be addressed with Vater Henry.” Elder Thompson gestures toward the main building, before leading the way.

  Ash and I clasp sweaty palms in solidarity, and follow him in the back entrance of the main building, down several hallways, until we find ourselves outside Vater Henry’s office. I’ve had very few direct encounters with our Leader since arriving years ago, none of those necessarily bad. The fifty something year old Vater has a kind face, accentuated by laugh lines. Evil people don’t have laugh lines, right? With his average height and weight, he certainly isn’t imposing, so why is Ash visibly shaking, and I’m feeling the telltale sign of a panic attack?

  “Have a seat. I need to speak to Vater Henry first.” The Elders normal kind expression is back, as he gestures to the bench seat just left of the office door.

  I’ve been here once before; on this bench I mean. Only that time, I wasn’t waiting to speak with Vater Henry, that time I was waiting on the Enforcer to dole out my punishment for sneaking two apples out of the kitchen, with the intention of sharing one with Ash. Even knowing that lashes were probably coming, I don’t remember being this terrified. It must be the not knowing. Being completely clueless as to why we would be in trouble right now, and as to why it would be Vater Henry meeting with us rather than the Enforcer.

  Out of my periphery, I catch someone rounding the corner down the hall and turn to see. It’s Chase. Why does he always seem to be around and watching? Nudging Ash, I nod my chin in Chase’s direction, and she slowly turns hers to look. He seems surprised to see us here, and maybe a little concerned? As he approaches he looks around, seemingly to check if anyone is watching. I’m not sure why, he has never spoken to either one of us. Sure it’s against the rules, but we’re kids, teenage kids at that, breaking rules is what we do. But not Chase. He is nothing if not a stickler for the rules.

  Just feet from Ash’s side his mouth opens to speak, but no words come out. He isn’t looking at me though; those deep blue eyes are focused solely on my bestie. In that moment, it all makes sense. All those years we were convinced he was staring at me, he wasn’t. Now it’s obvious, he was staring at the girl beside me. My beautiful, naïve, Ash. Of course, even now as he continues to search her face, she remains oblivious. I’m not sure what he’s looking for, or what he wants to say, and honestly,I don’t think he even knows.

  Opening my mouth to speak, there’s a shuffle on the other side of the door, and I know our time is up. Chase wastes no time in moving to the other side of the wide hallway, before continuing on his original path. With Chase just feet past us, the door to Vater Henry’s office opens, and Mutter Vera appears directing us both inside.


  Two chairs sit opposite Vater Henry, who’s perched on the corner of a very large oak desk. He gestures with one hand for us to sit, while shuffling a few papers under a manila folder on his desk. Super secret documents you don’t want us to see, huh? Probably not, I’m really grasping today.

  “My children, I hear you two had quite the adventure today, huh?” Okay, those weren’t the first words I was expecting, but adventure could mean a lot of things, right?

  Neither Ash or I speak, both assuming that was a rhetorical question. I take a chance to glance around the room, seeing Mutter Vera first, as she sits in a blue floral wing back chair in the corner behind Vater Henrys desk, and then Elder Thompson standing behind and slightly to my right, hands clasped behind his back. Vater Henry’s office is sort of in the center of the Compounds main building, and therefore doesn’t have any windows to let in light, leaving the room somewhat dim, lit only by three visible lamps spaced around the room. I’m not sure why I’m looking for exits, but the only ones I see are the door we came in, and another in the far corner behind me. Knowing what I know about the layout of the main building, that door most likely leads to an interior hall, with doors coming off it into Vater Henry’s private residence, the Auditorium where Worship is held, and then further down, some of the Elders rooms.

  “Looking for something, Miss Cress?”

  Whoa, in all my years I don’t think Vater Henry, or any of the Elders have ever used my last name. I mean, I guess I was kind of snooping in a round-about way, but how much trouble are we really in? So I decide to turn the table, “Where is Jayson?”

  That’s right, I said it, but from the sharp inhale of breath from Ash next to me, and the anger that seems to sweep across Vater Henry’s face, it might not have been the best choice of words. The atmosph
ere in the Church has always been respect your elders, and only speak when spoken to, but he did ask me a question. I just answered with another question. A question, he clearly doesn’t like, but it’s a legitimate one none the less. That a-hole left us, alone, in a freaking brothel.

  It’s in that moment I decide to just go for it. I can’t make this any worse, right? “Vater Henry, I only ask because while in town today, Elder Thompson assigned Jayson to watch over Ash and myself. Only, just a few minutes in he disappeared, leaving Ash and I alone, in a seedy Hotel.” I don’t mention the brothel part; I can’t reveal all my cards just yet.

  He seems to consider this, but he doesn’t seem surprised. “Well Anna, that is certainly not how it was reported by Elder Thompson. I also have Jayson’s official report here as well.” He reaches for the papers he had seemed to hide when we first came in, and shuffles quickly through each. “Are you saying an Elder, and a well-respected member of the Church lied?”

  Well that’s clearly a trap, getting me to accuse an Elder of lying, and how could I possible know if they lied, without knowing what’s in those reports. I open my mouth to say just that, but Vater Henry speaks first.

  “The account by both men is very consistent. That you and Ash snuck off, while Elder Thompson tried to make a supply purchase, and that Jayson and the other men, spent nearly two hours looking for you both, praying that no harm had come to either of you girls.”

  “What a crock of crap.”

  I snap my head to the side, where Ash has clearly lost her freaking mind. Did she seriously just say that? The level of rage that is painted all over her face is unlike anything I have ever seen, and while she is super feisty in private, under normal circumstances, Ash would never speak that way to an adult, much less the Vater. I can actually feel the heat coming off her as she stands to present our case, or stab him, this could go either way.

  “We watched as Elder Thompson approached a sketchy looking woman’s booth, and then, he gave us money to go across the street to Hotel Bonham.” She stabs her finger toward the man himself. “He told us it was a restaurant, but it wasn’t, and honestly, I think he knew that. I think he knew it was a brothel.” She drops her arm and squares her shoulders, with a hand on each hip. “Then, he told Jayson to go with us, to watch over us, he said we would be safe.”

  My hero, my best friend, has clearly hit her limit today, refusing to take shit from anyone. Honestly, I’ve never been more proud, and yet terrified at the same time. I hope they don’t kill my bestie, because that’s the look that Vater Henry has right now; murder.

  “Why would an Elder of the Church, send two sixteen-year old girls into a brothel, and further, how do you even know what a brothel is, Miss Booker?”

  Aww shit, another last name, but Ash doesn’t even seem phased. She’s in the zone today, ladies and gentleman.

  “I didn’t, obviously. At least, not before today.” She stumbles only slightly with that admission, and I wonder if she plans to tell him the rest. My girl does not disappoint. “Want to know what happened next, Vater Henry?” Pretty sure that was a rhetorical question. Lots of those flying around today. “First, we were offered liquor, which we turned down, in case you were wondering. Then, a nasty, dirty, old man, propositioned Anna for,” pausing, I can tell it’s hard for her to say this next part out loud, “sex. And when she refused, he drug her upstairs, into a private bedroom, and do you want to know what’s worse?” She flashes a quick look over her shoulder at me, as I sit on the literal edge of my seat, and her next words are said through tears. “Jayson, Elder Thompson, they weren’t the ones that saved her. I wasn’t even the one, even though I tried to fight my way through the crowd to get to her. No, it was a Gang Member who beat the old man unconscious to keep her from being raped.” The words came out in a rush, and its clear she’s out of breath as she inhales a deep intake of air, before plopping back down in her seat resigned to whatever comes next.

  The room is silent for what seems like an eternity, and I’m beginning to think she broke him. Vater Henry, I mean. From the look on his face, I half expect him to spontaneously combust in three, two, one…

  “Well that’s quite the tale, my child. Its seems you have an active imagination.”

  I’m sorry, say what? Ash and I both do a double take, because seriously, what is happening right now?

  Vater Henry scrubs a hand through his graying hair, and shakes his head, feigning disappointment. “After everything you two have said and done today, I’m not certain of your place in the Church. I have deep concerns about your faith and love for God. That you could lie, and make ridiculous accusations about some of our most esteemed leaders, is deeply concerning.” Standing, he makes his way around his desk, casting a furtive glance at his wife still seated in the corner, before taking a seat in his chocolate leather desk chair.

  I’m not exactly sure what he means by, our place in the Church. Would he seriously cast out two teenage girls? That doesn’t really align with the teachings of the Church. Sure, there are a lot of crazy rules, and of course, the founding members of The Way certainly developed some questionable practices, but ultimately, it’s still loosely based on Christianity. Love your neighbor and all that jazz. Banishing us from the safety of the Compound would essentially condemn us to death. Would he really do that, and can I do, or say something to fix this?

  A thousand thoughts flit through my mind, as Ash sits casually in her seat, and Vater Henry seems to contemplate our fate. I have to fix this, but what can I say that will undo everything Ash just said?

  So I do the most logical thing possible. I jump to my feet and blurt out the first thing that comes to mind, “I think we were drugged.”

  Every head in the room shoots to me and now, I’m having serious performance anxiety. “I, I,” I don’t know what the hell to say. No, no, okay I got it. “I begged Elder Thompson to buy us a lemonade while we waited on him to conduct his business. I remember going into the restaurant with Ash, and Jayson was definitely with us. I also remember drinking my lemonade, while sitting on a wooden walk-way near where Elder Thompson was doing business, but the next thing I remember, we were in the wagon on the way home.” I pause letting it all set in, “I think Ash is still high or something.” Okay, she can kill me later, but I think that was pretty good on such short notice.

  Ash is standing now, her jaw practically on the floor. I’m pretty sure I heard a snort from behind me; Elder Thompson. Either I just made things infinitely worse or, I saved the day.

  When Vater Henry speaks, I’m leaning toward the latter. “Well, that would certainly explain Ash’s creative rendition of the day’s events.” With a quick glance over my shoulder at Elder Thompson, he seems to make a decision. “Very well, you girls will definitely need to get checked out in the infirmary. No telling what sort of drugs those Gang scoundrels slipped in your drinks. Other than that, in the future my children, remember, no one outside these walls can be trusted.” He turns his gaze to Ash, before continuing, “And as for you, for your language and behavior today, you’ll see Elder Jim tomorrow morning after breakfast.”

  Nodding my head, I’m ushering Ash out the door before she can screw up all my hard work.


  We don’t bother going to the infirmary. What’s the point? There’s nothing wrong with either one of us, except maybe shock, and anyway it would be my Father, and I most certainly do not want him to know about today if at all possible. I just need to get us someplace private, where we can figure this shit out.

  Ash hasn’t said a word since we left Vater Henry’s office, and doesn’t until I close the door on my damn broom closet. What? This is my office, look away.

  “What the fuck, Anna? You just told Vater Henry I was high.”

  I knew she wasn’t going to let that fly. “Yes. Yes, I did. But you left me no choice. I don’t know why the Elder and Jayson lied, but they did, and I said exactly what I had to, to get us out of that situation.”

  Nodding and sighing,
Ash says exactly what I’m thinking, “Why would they lie?”

  “I have a few theories, two that I think are the most plausible, the third, they’re all aliens.”

  Despite the tense situation, I can always make my bestie laugh. Through a giggle she says, “Okay oh wise one, enlighten me.”

  “Theory one, Elder Thompson was up to some sketchy shit. Buying, selling, or doing something he shouldn’t have been, and so he needed to explain why we weren’t with him. Thus, the need for the whole lie about us sneaking off. In this theory, Vater Henry isn’t in on it.” I pause to make sure she’s still with me, and seeing her nod I’m encouraged to continue. “But, theory one doesn’t really explain why Jayson lefts us. He was supposed to keep an eye on us while the Elder sold drugs, or whatever. That brings me to theory two. Did you see the look on Elder Thompsons face when he saw us at the wagon? Was it just me, or did he seemed surprised to see us?”

  “Yeah, he did. Plus, he kept flashing weird looks at Jayson.”

  Motioning, the two of us take a seat, crisscross applesauce on the concrete floor, knowing this is gonna take a while.

  “Okay, now bear with me here, and maybe this is a stretch but, what if we weren’t ever supposed to make it back to the wagon, or back home at all.”

  Ash’s face goes pale, as she seems to process that possibility. “You think, holy shit. You think that they planned this all along? Send us over to the Hotel under the guise that Jayson would watch over us, only for Jayson to bail leaving us there, to what? What was the end goal though Anna? This just doesn’t make sense.” She shakes her head, pulling her knees to her chest, as she looks to me.

  I don’t know. I know she’s right. I hadn’t really thought that far but, “Whatever they had planned didn’t happen, we know that much. And for whatever reason, I don’t think their plan was for Shit Burger to snatch me. I think it’s bigger than that.”